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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in spontaneity (23)


Make the best of where you are

Life brings you new situations everyday.  In fact, new conditions are always unfolding.  If you count on being guided by past experience, you miss the opportunity to take life into your own hands, to act responsibly, spontaneously, intuitively. Listening to the heart allows feeling the way to what is always right.

Notice that when you are focused on the present moment, you trust yourself more.  You make the most of the sunshine and the rain or whatever weather arises.  Everything presents as a tool to help you help yourself. No urge arises to seek external approval for your choices.   Make the best of where you are.


15 Benefits to seeing things as they are

For some people, seeing with genuine clarity happens spontaneously.  Other people journey through life and reach for guidance during stages of awakening, that is, a process of letting go of who they are not.  The more you come to see things as they are, the more revelations unfold.  As how you view changes, what you see also changes. Ponder what transforms as you:

1) Take nothing personally.  E-motion is energy in motion and no longer gets the best of you.

2) Feel complete and secure. Know what it is to require nothing outside to feel whole.

3) Be soul-centred rather than self-centred.  Discover purpose without being ego-driven.  

4) Realize all beliefs and intentions manifest.  Direct the true power of mind and thought.

5) See through behavior patterns.  Self-sabotage ends. The unconscious grows conscious.

6) Accept no answers exist to life. You know you always seek true nature or love.

7) Observe what you resist persists.  Surrender is accepting yourself as you are.

8) Activate quantum level healing.  Any imbalances re-align instantly & permanently. 

9) See Oneness rather than separation.  This allows deep appreciation of infinite diversity.

10) Act as your own authority. External approval is irrelevant.

11) Love fully.  This is about being light-hearted, feeling free. You live as joy.

12) Listen to stillness. Take breathes as a detached observer. Listen is 'silence' re-arranged.

13) Feel true nature is awareness. You are self-recognizing. Everything emerges here. 

14) Be in the now. All suffering resides in the past or fear of the future. When you live in this moment, the past and future are irrelevant.  Suffering cannot exist now. Awakening is knowing now is all that is. It never began and never ends. Core essence is aware being. From awareness emerges consciousness, the ability to think, from thought, the thinker arises in perceived time. 

15) See time as illusion. Recognize all suffering only exists in a period of perceived time where there is a lack of self love. The mind cannot engage in something with no points of reference. You cannot stop thinking.  Yet, as you come to see thoughts are unreal, you can let them flow. When you do not give them attention, they pass. That which never changes is real and never threatened.  


10 Ways to Love Yourself More

Every moment is worth appreciating.  Whether you are reaching for new kinds of balance, success or guidance for something else, know everything in life is speaking to you.  Loving yourself and the world more consciously involves raising awareness of how you think and feel now and how this is reflected in and by the external world.  Notice what you are overlooking.

Notice what you overlook.  Be empowered.  Reflect on ten ways you can love yourself more:

1) Nurture the Physical Body- notice what you feed your body and how you care for it.  Raise awareness of how ingestion, digestion and elimination are really going. Be aware this is a feedback system.  The state of the physical body is a pointer to the state of your energy body.

2) Strengthen the Energy Body- notice the essence of being is energy and energy surrounds the physical body.  Whole, natural, raw and organic foods are rich in electromagnetic energy. Exercise, deep breathing, Qigong, Tai Chi, gardening, walking barefoot on earth, being outside in the sun and fresh air and near vegetation, prayer and meditation all invigorate the energy body. 

3) Read the Emotional Body- notice emotions are a gauge for how well you are listening to the heart. The more positive emotions you experience, the truer you are being to yourself.  The more negative emotions arising within you, the more you resist what the heart knows is right for you at this stage of life.   Emotions offer insight into your organs, systems and energy and how near or far you are to peace. The more you understand, identify and release emotions, the more you get messages your bodies are sending you and the more you show love to your true self.   

4) Address Imbalances- notice loving yourself implies being interested in why you do the things you do, why you think and feel as you do.  make connections  Notice the power of awareness to help identify what ails you and different approaches you can take to alleviate the suffering.  Nobody knows you better than you can know yourself.  Acupuncture, homeopathy, flower essences, aromatherapy, deep muscle massage like Rolfing, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, sound therapy, other forms of energy medicine, intuitive counselling, and meditation all help reveal and address imbalances or mis-alignments. 

5) Do Yoga- notice yoga is a mind, body and spirit practice which stems from ancient India.  Its aim is to connect with the divine and raise awareness of the feeling state of permanent peace. Various styles of yoga combine physical poses, breathing and meditation techniques.  Classes exist for all levels from beginner to advanced. Do yoga to be aware of muscles and abilities you did not know you have.  Discover where you hold tension or blocks to balance and well-being.

6) Be aware of Etheric Bodies- notice "etheric" generally means not visible to the naked eye. Recognize you are like an iceberg with the physical, 'visible' part of you like the part of the iceberg that is above water and the larger part of you like the much bigger part of the iceberg hidden to the eye under water. Loving yourself fully implies being open to exploring those things about yourself do not see or understand with the familiar senses. That which you resist persists.

7) Appreciate Spontaneity- notice that impulsive, spontaneous behaviour enables you to take an invisible load off, de-stress and somehow breathe easier.  No need to explain it, simply attune to impulses and explore them.  The urge to drop what you are doing and be light-hearted has a place. Dance in the rain, blow bubbles, have a pillow fight or do what comes naturally.  This is orienting you to what the heart knows.  Love only knows love.  Relish the signs and signals.

8) Listen Differently- notice that true listening is not limited to the physical ears and related organs.  Listening deeply involves detecting feelings, intuition, exploring dreams, dream symbols or dream therapy, unexplainable reasons you are drawn to particular people, conditions or experiences. Listen without the ears.  See everything is communicating.  How accurately you listen to others,  reveals how well you are actually listening to yourself.

9) Expand your Horizons- notice excitement and energy you generate when you undertake something new.  Doing something new makes you feel more awake and alive. Its healthy and uplifting to challenge yourself when you feel inspired and joyful.  Never take sparks of curiosity or positive feelings for granted.  They direct you in ways that are true to the heart.

10) Enjoy Nature more- notice that being in nature is not about where you go, it is about being in the now moment and observing how nature does this. Surround yourself with the harmony of nature and see this as a mirror for what is going on inside yourself.  This has nothing to do with what you may have done in the past or could be in future.  See what nature does without thinking.  be like the water.  Go with the flow.  Be like a tree.  Bend in the wind.

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Be playful

Recall how it feels to be playful, spontaneous, loose and free-spirited.  If you forget how to be relaxed and have fun in the moment, observe a puppy, a kitten or a small child.  Watch how they know nothing matters and take things lightly.  Get a feather and tickle yourself silly. Ask a friend or companion to use the tips of the fingers to remind you how to release tension.

This is not about pondering the last time you laughed.  Its not about focusing on a future moment when you imagine you might get around to it.  Notice where your mind is when your child wants to play. Are you always focused in the same place, in this moment, or on something else you would rather be doing?Is your mind elsewhere? Snap out of it.  Light-heartedness is a core state. Turn attention to how glorious it is to be where you are.  Be here now. Lighten up!

Savour the sensations that are available. Balance a fork or ball on your nose. Dance in ways that set your body free,  Float along with the wind as you fly a kite or sail along a body of water. Watch sand ooze through the toes at the beach.   Bend a spoon with the mind. Play for the sheer joy of it.


Its all a sign

Sign of the moment.  Sign of the times.  Signs are everywhere.  Do you notice the signs?

As you open the senses, you grow aware that every roadsign, food name or label, license plate, book cover, billboard, bumpersticker, T-shirt, and cloud formation, is simply another sign to guide you in life.  If you keep running into certain people, or always feel good when engaged in some activity, this is more than sheer coincidence.  If snags keep arising in a business deal you are working to finalize, its a sign.  Pay attention to little events in life and the bigger picture. 

I recall how the universe showed me I no longer needed to wear a wristwatch. On three separate occasions, its battery seemed to stop.  Each time I took it to the watchmaker to replace the battery, the watch started working again and I was told I did not need a new battery. Go figure!?

As I tapped into deeper awareness, I knew this was not really about the watch or battery. Rather, it was a message to stop allowing perceived time and rigid schedules to control me. As I gave up wearing a wristwatch, I almost magically detached from certain ways of living. This gesture reduced stress, allowed me to open my heart to greater spontaneity and a new leash on life.

As you reflect on signs in your life, what is the universe suggesting? As you recognize you are the universe, what are you inviting yourself to recognize? Trust the intuition.  It always knows.