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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in emotional body (3)


5 Tips to Usher in a New reality

Notice what happens as you truly begin to listen, sit with energy and emotions. Change is allowed to occur.

Take 5 steps to usher in a new reality.  

1. Connect with us.

We invite you to take a unique personal inventory.  Shift to focus on things in terms of energy and energetic signatures. This reveals how you respond to every challenge you encounter, every adversity you are willing to face, becomes part of an intricately woven vibrational frequency that is shared with all others. 

2. Sharpen your discernment

As you sharpen discernment, you naturally tune into the most beneficial vibrations of the past and use them to ground your present. There is something within each of us that guides us to what brings us the most joy and benefits the collective.  Remembering personal truth allows us to let go of all that resists or blocks that.

3. Learn to change the timeline of your vision

As you shift from an individual to a more unified way of seeing, higher self reveals itself as collective reality. The higher self is always choosing the dimensional reality (timelines) that best serve(s) the soul. This higher power installed within that is meant to guide us into the most loving and beneficial choices and paths for everyone. Yet, some adopt a physically-focused reality that causes a less-than worthy focus. If this happens, belief structures get tained or stagnate. Others (who are not physically-focused) adopt other kinds of realities. Shifting desire makes incredible non-physical impact on physical manifestation.  

4. Increase present moment awareness 

Being present relates to how we view everything right now. Spiritual awakening is an alchemical process that happens when we consider self in relation to God rather than God in relation to self. Each of us decides how to see ourselves. On a fundamental level, this is a bandwidth of light, a dimensional frequency, that we operate on.  Spiritual practices are tools to activate our DNA. Some people are regularly timeline-travelling or timeline jumping.  Some people have grounded higher dimensional realities and hold or ground grids of light. We ground realities individually and collectively. The more present we are, the more power we have to shift individually and collectively.

5. Note resistance amplifies resistance.

We have been so suppressed in our emotional bodies, that it can feel gut-wrenching to consider, discuss and actually make relationship and situational change. In order to blend emotional energy and use it as an energetic tool, we must be open to experience. When focused on the left brain hemisphere, we become seekers and physically-focused until the moment we are ready to act from a more balanced, integrated place.  To allow emotions to flow in 'real time' consciously is the highest form of manifestation is the highest vibration in which we can operate.  If we can constructively express emotions, we always come back to harmony. Every moment is an opportunity to come int balance with this. Is this a collective release of density? We can be clearing density and also grab onto it and bring it back, or not allow it to clear


5 Tips to help Master Time

Mastering Time is a journey human beings choose to take when incarnating into this world.  Every moment we have opportunities to make choices to help understand the nature of time and how to create our timelines and destiny consciously and intentionally.  These are points taken from my latest book 1 of 3 of Mastering Time. Consider these 5 tips to help accelerate your transformation:

1. Master the Origin of Time

This requires you recall the future as well as where you come from.  You may do so via spiritual practices, spontaneous awakening, psychic or third eye opening, kundalini awakening or other means. Then, you go through the motions of digesting this in relation to all the falsities you are taught, adopt and come to believe. (If this reonates, you may wish to explore articles like how to awaken your third eye)


2. Master the Psychological Time

This is about growing conscious of time travel you create and engage in between the ears.  This is about language, subtle behaviours that have you stuck in a feedback loop until you snap out of it. Moving forward involves grasping and functioning with an understanding of linear time and the continuity of consciousness.


3. Master the Emotional Time

This entails growing conscious of different layers of energy bodies that are part of your larger being. You grow aware of emotional triggers that surface, why you think, feel and behave as you do, and what is really going on.  It is about going where you fear to tread, allowing yourself to feel intensity deeply.  Everything is an invitation to see the recurrent patterns until you are no longer triggered and master the emotional body. Decoding your own vibes and healing may be helped by Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and being honest with yourself.


4. Master the Economics of Time

In a nutshell, understanding time in relation to money changes your relationship with yourself. How you function in the material world, your sense and experience of abundance, prosperity, welath and measruable experience is proportional to your level of changing conscious awareness. This is about shifting mindset and undestanding of value and how you function from inside out.


5. Master the Art of Immortality

This is about activating dormant DNA and reprogramming our brain with an immortal dream of metamorphosis. (It is explored in more detail in book 2 & 3)


10 Ways to Love Yourself More

Every moment is worth appreciating.  Whether you are reaching for new kinds of balance, success or guidance for something else, know everything in life is speaking to you.  Loving yourself and the world more consciously involves raising awareness of how you think and feel now and how this is reflected in and by the external world.  Notice what you are overlooking.

Notice what you overlook.  Be empowered.  Reflect on ten ways you can love yourself more:

1) Nurture the Physical Body- notice what you feed your body and how you care for it.  Raise awareness of how ingestion, digestion and elimination are really going. Be aware this is a feedback system.  The state of the physical body is a pointer to the state of your energy body.

2) Strengthen the Energy Body- notice the essence of being is energy and energy surrounds the physical body.  Whole, natural, raw and organic foods are rich in electromagnetic energy. Exercise, deep breathing, Qigong, Tai Chi, gardening, walking barefoot on earth, being outside in the sun and fresh air and near vegetation, prayer and meditation all invigorate the energy body. 

3) Read the Emotional Body- notice emotions are a gauge for how well you are listening to the heart. The more positive emotions you experience, the truer you are being to yourself.  The more negative emotions arising within you, the more you resist what the heart knows is right for you at this stage of life.   Emotions offer insight into your organs, systems and energy and how near or far you are to peace. The more you understand, identify and release emotions, the more you get messages your bodies are sending you and the more you show love to your true self.   

4) Address Imbalances- notice loving yourself implies being interested in why you do the things you do, why you think and feel as you do.  make connections  Notice the power of awareness to help identify what ails you and different approaches you can take to alleviate the suffering.  Nobody knows you better than you can know yourself.  Acupuncture, homeopathy, flower essences, aromatherapy, deep muscle massage like Rolfing, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, sound therapy, other forms of energy medicine, intuitive counselling, and meditation all help reveal and address imbalances or mis-alignments. 

5) Do Yoga- notice yoga is a mind, body and spirit practice which stems from ancient India.  Its aim is to connect with the divine and raise awareness of the feeling state of permanent peace. Various styles of yoga combine physical poses, breathing and meditation techniques.  Classes exist for all levels from beginner to advanced. Do yoga to be aware of muscles and abilities you did not know you have.  Discover where you hold tension or blocks to balance and well-being.

6) Be aware of Etheric Bodies- notice "etheric" generally means not visible to the naked eye. Recognize you are like an iceberg with the physical, 'visible' part of you like the part of the iceberg that is above water and the larger part of you like the much bigger part of the iceberg hidden to the eye under water. Loving yourself fully implies being open to exploring those things about yourself do not see or understand with the familiar senses. That which you resist persists.

7) Appreciate Spontaneity- notice that impulsive, spontaneous behaviour enables you to take an invisible load off, de-stress and somehow breathe easier.  No need to explain it, simply attune to impulses and explore them.  The urge to drop what you are doing and be light-hearted has a place. Dance in the rain, blow bubbles, have a pillow fight or do what comes naturally.  This is orienting you to what the heart knows.  Love only knows love.  Relish the signs and signals.

8) Listen Differently- notice that true listening is not limited to the physical ears and related organs.  Listening deeply involves detecting feelings, intuition, exploring dreams, dream symbols or dream therapy, unexplainable reasons you are drawn to particular people, conditions or experiences. Listen without the ears.  See everything is communicating.  How accurately you listen to others,  reveals how well you are actually listening to yourself.

9) Expand your Horizons- notice excitement and energy you generate when you undertake something new.  Doing something new makes you feel more awake and alive. Its healthy and uplifting to challenge yourself when you feel inspired and joyful.  Never take sparks of curiosity or positive feelings for granted.  They direct you in ways that are true to the heart.

10) Enjoy Nature more- notice that being in nature is not about where you go, it is about being in the now moment and observing how nature does this. Surround yourself with the harmony of nature and see this as a mirror for what is going on inside yourself.  This has nothing to do with what you may have done in the past or could be in future.  See what nature does without thinking.  be like the water.  Go with the flow.  Be like a tree.  Bend in the wind.

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