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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in silence (35)


5 Tips to uncover your purpose

Many people are seeking new sense of purpose or deeper connection to what they cannot put into words.  You may feel restless, undecided about some path or course in your life. Consider these five tips to get in touch with what you are truly yearning for.  It speaks for itself:

1) Walk in nature.  Tap into your ability to attune to the grace of this moment. Everything is always speaking to you and selective awareness blocks out different frequencies or messages.

2) Do yoga.  Basic stretches or more advanced contorsions can squeeze what you are seeking out of your being.  When the student is ready, unexpected teachers and teachings appear.

3) Declutter your life. Now is the perfect time to pass on or get rid of what you outgrow or are no longer using.  This applies to physical things as well as outdated beliefs and ways of living.

4) Adjust the dial.  Whatever you typically listen to, allow yourself to hear what you tend to miss or overlook.  Listen to a new station or crowd.  Notice real reasons you tune out or tune in.

5) Appreciate silence.  Discover peace and tranquility are not only found during particular conditions.  They are ever-present, core states of being always accessible to everyone.


See through your questions

Pinpoint the questions that linger in your mind.  Focus on the body.  Allow yourself to experience the aliveness and energy flowing through.  The aliveness is held in the body form by consciousness.  The mind is what identifies the questions and seeks answers.  be aware how the mind operates.  It is always thinking because this is its nature. Who is aware of the body-mind? What makes you aware that you think? You really do not know. Let silence answer all questions.  As you explore what is real, you explore the feelings.  The mind cannot answer as it plays tricks.


7 Ways to see through lens of Soul 

Nothing and everything is unfolding in this same moment.  Wherever you think you are, all that is unfolding gives you opportunities to connect with and embrace reliable soul guidance.  Seeing through the lens of Soul is being aware of the bigger picture or deeper reasons for your choices.  Ponder seven ways to see life as it is through the lens of Soul or Higher awareness:

1) Recognize whatever you perceive arises with its opposite.  Positive and negative thoughts arise together just as opposite words produce each other and merge.  Each points to the other as a lesson to recognize the underlying message that is revealing itself.

2) Move without teaching. Simply be yourself without the intention to do anything. Watch the mind. You can move physically and be still inside.  Every choice you make is being watched. You never know who is watching, or seeing life differently due to what you say or do.  Imagine every step you take is inspiring yourself in another situation.  Be your own student and teacher.

3) Live such that you possess nothing yet appreciate everything.  Possession here implies thoughts of exerting control and attaching.  From the moment you realize what is real cannot be owned, you relax more in life, welcome what comes and appreciate impermanence.

4) Do not glorify heroes.  Come to see everything as a divine reflection and you are awake to true divine nature.  You no longer put people on pedestals or view anyone as better or worse.  Rather, you see everything as different versions of you drawing true essence to the surface.

5) Live in humility.  Ambitions weaken as they lose your attention. Do what you do without the aim of recognition.  Presume nothing.  Be devoted to heartfelt gestures for no reason.

6) Be empty. When you are empty, you are bottomless and you have infinite uses and paths. It means move in peace.When you do not treasure objects, you do not worry they could be stolen or taken away.

7) Respect natural order.  Notice the divine flow.  Allow nature to be the ultimate teacher.  It only ever reflects who you are at the core.  Everything arises from and disappears into silence.


Get in touch with inner radiance

Let this be the moment you begin to recognize the silence of the supreme being that is you.  The observer is simply a stepping stone to freeing yourself from your own ego.  As the will to shift focus is awakened, all sense of hopelessness and restlessness falls away.  Get in touch with your existing inner radiance.  You are creating new ways of being.

Recognize each person is his own key to realizing he is not his imagined limitations.  You are not stuck in any place or state of mind. Enter the self that is beyond language, time and space.  Rather than seek blessings and advice, recognize you are the giver of your own joy and blessings, the answer to your prayers.  The world transforms through your love and harmony.  Imagine energy is spiralling through the entire body and third eye.  Imagine this truth is known everywhere.  You are bridging heaven and Earth.

Be willing to;

1) Detach from/ stop identifying with suffering

2) Be aware of what is constant

3) Dwell in devotion and joy and share that self


Allow what is natural 

With no effort, core being is naturally fulfilled unless it imagines itself to be different. The one who is ready simply awakens.  He who is not ready sleeps.  Nothing stops 'you' unless you are not ready to allow yourself to see.  The unfolding simply unfolds unless 'you' get in the way, or imagine obstacles.  By living, without knowing or doing anything, all is well. Being quiet is being yourself, not following anything from the mind.  If a thought arises, it is as though the thought never came.  Before a thought arises, it has no meaning. Be without intention. Keep quiet.  Watch what happens without waiting.