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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in revelations (23)


Caroline Myss & what is soul-level thinking?

As you continue whatever it is you consider worthwhile and important in the moment, it is useful to integrate soul-level thinking into your life. You may ask what does this mean?

The higher self or soul-level consciousness is that part of you that knows what is required for balance, harmony and inner peace.  It is constantly noticing your thoughts and behaviour and whispers exactly how to get back on track.  Do you listen?

Caroline Myss explores examples of soul-level reflection in her books Sacred Contracts, Anatomy of the Spirit and Entering the Castle. All of these works invite readers to reframe purpose and find intrinsic value everywhere. Consider these sample suggestions and how you are or could raise soul awareness.  Shere insight into how this impacts your life perspective; 

1) Distinguish soul energy from imagination and emotions.

2) Notice a soul-level calling benefits more than just you.

3) Find stamina and will to seize soul-inspiring opportunities.

4) Engage the soul more fully in your inner healing process.

5) Trust advice in the inner voice with loving intentions. 

6) Know promises are mortal agreements and vows are sacred, soul commitments with God with cosmic consequences. 

7) Feel how soul-level reflection evokes pure timelessness.

8) Soul awakening invites self-examination and contemplation.


25 Ways to reframe fear & failure

Many people allow particular experiences to get them down. Regardless of your circumstances, you can always choose to see advantages. Consider 25 ways to reframe fear and failure;

1) You realize you are still alive.

2) The physical world has not ended.

3) You sense you still have a lot left to give.

4) You discover failure can be reframed as success.

5) Not getting what you want reveals what you need.

6) Nothing in life matters as much as you think at the time.

7) Your attention shifts to realize what is truly important.

8) The Will Power of the Universe, is always at your disposal.

9) You always access creative laws and will of the Universe.

10) You realize you could have done something else.

11) You discover underlying lessons are the purpose.

11) You better know what to avoid next time.

12) You can now write a book and tell the world.

13) You have insight into compatibility and commitment.

14) You know now about strengths & weaknesses.

15) You suddenly valuethe lighter side of life and laugh more. 

16) Something in detours enables you to savor more moments.

17) Your focus has shifted from future or part to present.

18) Time no longer controls your life and priorities.

19) You stop seeking outside for inner peace & turn inward.

20) This is a wake up call to strengthen health & well-being.

21) Your attention is brought to unfounded beliefs and illusion.

22) You detect irritation and negative energy are teachers.

23) You grow aware of imagined opposites and other delusion.

24) You are reminded of the power of unconditional love.

25) The power of forgiveness and understanding heals all.


Be who you already are

Hoards of people are not yet choosing to be who they already are.   You may think the phrase 'be yourself,' sounds simple enough.  Do you do it? What do you think this means? Here are some ideas to jog the timeless memory.  They present as you stop struggling to let go  Dissolve what does not matter;

1) Give the loyalty you are born to give and receive.

2) Care unconditionally for your fellow soul travellers.

3) Receive what is offered to you with grace and gratitude.

4) View everything that happens as a welcome opportunity.

5) Turn attention to enriching the quality of life for everyone.

6) Nurture courage, love, empathy and compassion.

7) Be aware of core values. Discard what you outgrow.

8) Realize when vulnerable, you are lucid, strong and caring. 

9) Tranform life so it has lasting, timeless meaning.

10) Recognize fear only distracts you from inner dynamics.

11) Pay attention to internal dialogue you resist.

12) Attune to multi-dimensional realities beyond the linear. 

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