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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in relationships (32)


Be aware of what is calling you

It is common to ask, "what should I do?" and "What do I want?" The desire may be a job, transition, opportunity, relationship or something else.  Be aware you do not perceive your own best interests.  A deeper look reveals goals on many levels conflict.

Notice underneath all appearances, all voices in the head are the ego.  The judge who makes the rules is the superego.  The ego either follows the imagined rules and knows rage, or breaks rules and lives in fear. Most people live according to belief in their own rules and make all decisions based on them.

Something deeper is calling you.  It is not a voice in your head.  Its unrelated to what you absorb through the physical senses.  It is the call of your heart.  You cannot know where this silent guide is leading you or what the outcome is to be.  The whole experience requires surrender and complete trust of the unknown.  This unfolding is beyond choice.  It is the divine flow.

Listen closely to the call that is deeper than the mind, the emotions, deeper than anything anyone can explain.  As you act out of motivation deeper than personal, egoic gain, you are orienting to what is natural, and what simply feels right.  All tests of the ego invite you to be true to selfishness (egoically based on fear and desire) or to be true to selflessness (based on nature and pure love that is true being). Live without resistance.


5 Ways to know what feels right

Life presents many situations.  The choices about what to do may seem endless.  People around you offer unsollicited advice and opinions.  Explore in depth five ways to know what feels right;

1) Be aware of the body - everything you detect and do not notice about the body is communicating with you. Be bold, daring.  Ask body parts directly what they wish you to know.

2) Be aware of your thoughts- thought forms come and go.  Dwelling on any mental image gives it life. Read your emotions. What feels right requires no thought. It guides impulsiveness.

3) Be aware of the nature of your relationships -everyone you meet is a pointer to what the heart knows.  Each person is synchronicity taking form, guiding you to see the best choice.

4) Be aware of your chosen environment(s) - every environment emits energy that resonates with your energy or not.  Be aware of attraction or repulsion and underlying reasons.

5) Be aware of the difference between conditioned beliefs & intuition -you are taught what is good, right or best for you. These beliefs differ from unexplainable reasons why you act.


Love brings it up

Unconditional love speaks through everything. It also draws attention to anything that is not love. Notice which relationships, emotions and situations stand out for you.  To step back and digest this empowers you to shift your focus and experience infinity. Love brings to the surface and makes conscious the fear that hides. Love invites you to recognize patterns, false defenses and heal wounds imagined into being. In truth, one is forever perfect, divine, unlimited and constantly expanding into more. Love it!


Take it apart

Recall the experience of building with blocks or other materials.  Recall you always have the option to take apart what you build.  You may do so in order to build something else.  You may also do so to gain new insight.

Notice how you make choices to create the life you lead.  The choices are like building blocks.  You build relationships and bridges as you may also dismantle them.  You create beliefs and attitudes which also invite you to take them apart so to rediscover where you started and who you really are.


How to create peace in a difficult situation

Some people speak of dream relationships where they always get along with others.  You may wonder how to create peace in what seems to you to be a difficult situation.    Many ways exist to perceive and respond.  Each one tells you things about your state of being.

1) Consider the possibility you suffer from misunderstanding and misapprehension.  Clarify the mind, purify heart and sactify life.

2) Imagine the experience of showing compassion.  Demonstrate you empathize or relate to concern expressed by another.

3) Discern the messages your behaviour sends.  All you do echoes scales (for acceptance/ rejection), motives, principles, and values.

4) Recognize problems created in mind are only ever solved there.  In order to conquer mind, you must take steps to transcend it.

5) Awaken to the role of consciousness in all this.  Sense true nature reveals itself when you accept your role in all that you create.