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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Notice patterns crumbling

What if you choose not to bring perceptions of the past into interactions of this moment? Imagine what life would be like if you did not view people as walking personal histories.  Consider that people often exist with varying degrees of resentment, regret and unresolved issues.  Notice where the same reactions present each time you encounter certain people.  Move beyond the patterns. Others do not have to understand you for you to be happy. Free yourself from what you thought you needed.  With presence comes compassionate acceptance of who you are.  Give others space to be as they are.  Let go.  Be free.

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Reader Comments (10)

Most are sick and ailing, and can not feel their dis-ease because they are numbed. Some consciously seek to cure their symptoms, while others are unconsciously running into the walls of these patterns at high speed. This eventually gets their attention, then noting that something doesn't feel right. However, the ailment caused the crash in the first place. The patterns themselves are a part of the sickness. The denser the patterning in our fields, the sicker one feels.

But yes, patterns are crumbling at an exponential rate. The butterfly effect is transforming the world as we don't speak. The self-created patterning is of the past. If we choose to see what is missing, we see from within the hole instead of being whole. When we bring light back from the other side of the rabbit hole, the hole closes, and nothing is missing, where new relationships take the stage brand new. The world changes form with ease, and lubrication brings us into a potentially frictionless state. Perfect Health is restored and remembered.

We are Now happy....the mind has no directives or orders to execute. The Heart is filled with Joy because it has fully opened allowing for Spirit to reign and roam Free.
September 26, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterb
Do you think we are geared to practice this. Sounds so simple, yet so difficult to do. With practice, however, I find it easier.

Great article as always, C.
September 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCordieB
This is BIG! "Others do not have to understand you for you to be happy." This statement is incredibly and happily true. If I waited for others to understand me before I could be happy, I would be waiting long after the earth received my dusty essence! My husband says he loves me DESPITE the fact that he doesn't understand half the stuff I'm saying... Bless him!
September 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMyelowings
B, dense energy does weigh certain human beings down in ways they cannot put the finger on. When people are not ready or willing to broaden their perspective, they rely on ego-based explanations for what appear to manifest as physical ailments. In truth, dis-alignment presents in the non-physical before it emerges in the physical. To know well-being is all that is is to sense and experience only that.
September 26, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Cordie, Agnes Repplier reminds one that, "It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.”

The mind strives to convince you that everything is hard yet beynd mind, energy flows easily. Imagine how your experience shifts as you move from believing something is possible to knowing it is now.
September 26, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Myelowings, as a person grows to accept himself, he comes to accept others as they are. Everyone is engaged in stages of shifting conscious awareness. One can choose to love, forgive and find blessings in every situation and even in perceived misunderstandings.
September 26, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Living with me is quite a veil dropper, Liara. :) My husband and I and our choices, have brought us to where we are right now and it's a wonderful place to be.
September 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMyelowings
Myelowings, to appreciate where you are and whom you are with is a blessing. It encourages others to take responsibility for their choices. Know each situation offers messages of love in disguise.

The link to the dances with angels 001 you share encourages everyone to open the senses. I post it here to share it with others:
September 26, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. thanks - it's so important to be ourselves, leaving others to be themselves .. simple - but sometimes difficult to execute .. be myself .. thanks - Hilary
September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, nothing is difficult unless the mind cons you to believe this is so. You accept or resist.
September 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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