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What if you could transform your life?

What if you have the power to transform how you think and feel right now? Would you do it? You may have heard it said it requires thirty days of consistent change to truly turn a pattern around. Is that always necessarily so?

Many people are beginning to sense they have opportunities for more choices in their lives yet they seem to lack the discipline, the willingness to take initiatives or, the simple inclination. To be here now says something. It means your heart is in the right place. You are choosing to make more conscious choices.  This only helps you.

As your focus on shifts, you contemplate positive change.  One helpful step is to open the mind to how you think and feel.  Self-Disclosure is part of the process of awakening.  You may not realize you are already on a meaningful path to Transform Your Life thoughts and perception.  Tools exist to guide you align with what feels right.

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Reader Comments (8)

I think that maybe the reason why people don't invest this time, is due to a lack of belief in the effectiveness of putting in this effort.

I think there are a lot of books out there, for instance, that offer a 'quick fix' to improving life. However, any change does involve some concerted effort and persistance to keep moving forward and indeed, upward in the right direction
January 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJacqui
Jacqui, you raise a great point about that timeless power of intention. A person has to truly desire to change something about his life in order to effectively implement that change or alter mental patterns. To understand reasons behind self-doubt, worry and self-defeating thoughts is part of the process of grasping apparent attitudes and beliefs. To nurture greater self-confidence is always possible. The key is being willing to explore reasons for discomfort and dissastisfaction, or anything other than unconditional self-love and acceptance.
January 12, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
It can be as simple as taking a left turn instead of a right turn.......and a new track can be followed. It depends on what we want to transform. However, by starting with something simple like cooking and eating a new type of food, one can become inclined to always following a new path or rediscovering an old one, where one's taste buds are always being stimulated. Soon one will be looking for the opportunites to transform and change one's point of view. If this becomes one's intention, doors open up everywhere.
It seems, once we start, whatever is needed shows up. The thing to do is start, with openness.

January 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaushik |
Bern, what you say resonates with many energy beings. It is meaningful to recognize that as the journey unfolds, people can also choose not to judge the nature of their participation in the expansion process. To shatter patterns or existing paradigms is to awaken to facits of reality that people unconsciously hide from their conscious self. Only as a person begins to remember what he is do infinite doorways open to him.
January 13, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Kaushik, what you say reminds people that they create a vortex energythat is already affecting all realities. The willingness to change and the flexibility to adjust to what unfolds, changes everything.
January 13, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I too had heard about that 30-day transformation scheme, but the longer I live and learn I see it is not true at all for me.

Great things can be done permanently with a single flick of my mind-switch. It really is all perspective.

Sometimes I make things too hard for myself -- or think that gain has to involve a lot of grueling WORK, when in fact it usually requires only a whistle and a smiling attitude. Like doing dishes, or learning the guitar. Granted, some effort is required, obviously-- but maybe only about 7% of what I assume I'll need. :)
January 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, as you open yourself to new dimensions of perfection, then you feel new levels of reality. You realize that what you sense inside is not the same as your conditioned assumptions. A lot of the wanting to do something often relates to fear of not doing. Connect to empowerin energy instead.The wider realisation is to see that if you fear something, you draw it closer to you so you can explore it and find there is nothing to fear. Love, joy and abundance is not aligned with fear. Awakening implies wounds and hard feelings come up so they can be purged and released. Everything can be viewed as a stesp toward greater freedom from fear.
January 14, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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