Find the perfect way

Every moment offers opportunities to make the most of where you are and what is unfolding. Discover works of art within yourself you never knew existed. Imagine you are a potter or a painter with a store of masterpieces. Each inner quality is like a masterpiece that wants to get noticed. Yet, the moment it exerts effort to be noticed, the recognition received holds no value.
As you begin to realize everything and everyone has innate value, you can sit next to anyone and be loyal to what is lost and what is found within yourself. This can be a colleague, a friend, a co-worker or even a stranger at a bus-stop. Listen with respect to what the person says. Be aware of pointers to what is left unsaid. Say what the person wishes to hear in a way that conveys what you wish to say. You both get what you need out of the interaction. When mutual understanding exists, people do not impose ideas. Rather, each person finds the perfect way along the path.
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