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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in path (7)


Move with the energy

You may think you can ignore certain thought energies yet, each one is destined to flow in its own time.  Suppression simply postpones expression.  Each one signals a path to the centre.  You can see through the self-expression to see eternal being arising. 

Understand your true, unchanging position.  As awareness, one does not express, suppress or even touch energy.  One simply watches it come and go in waves.  One follows the path back to source.  Here, all subsides in the formless and all is known.  Energy is what it is: neutral.  Mind gives it form. Notice whether you allow or resist the natural flow.  As energy returns to source, it is neither love nor hate, but innocence.   


Why go the next step?

Wherever you are geographically, emotionally, mentally, metaphysically, or however you choose to define it, you are currently on a path.  You can choose to stay where you are, do what you have been doing or, make new choices.

In some ways, you may feel as though you are shedding a skin that no longer fits who you are becoming.  In other ways, you may be viewing your thoughts and feelings in completely new ways.  Share some milestones.  What stands out right now?

Reflect a moment on the parameters you use to define a point of reference. Does this still resonate with you  or, have recent practical experiences given you reason to shift focus, vantage point and activities? Why go the next step in your expansion? How is this prompting you to review perception of completely transform how you feel and know? What feels good inside?

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