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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Why go the next step?

Wherever you are geographically, emotionally, mentally, metaphysically, or however you choose to define it, you are currently on a path.  You can choose to stay where you are, do what you have been doing or, make new choices.

In some ways, you may feel as though you are shedding a skin that no longer fits who you are becoming.  In other ways, you may be viewing your thoughts and feelings in completely new ways.  Share some milestones.  What stands out right now?

Reflect a moment on the parameters you use to define a point of reference. Does this still resonate with you  or, have recent practical experiences given you reason to shift focus, vantage point and activities? Why go the next step in your expansion? How is this prompting you to review perception of completely transform how you feel and know? What feels good inside?

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Reader Comments (4)

For a while now my goal has been to empty the mind of attachments and emotional triggers that bleeds me and diminishes my vital energy. I comparitively feel good and empty now. The wheels are not spinning as much as they used to. Its been a substantial discipline to unwind that which has been wound up.

Therefore, I had to live in the mind in order to witness what was lost in there. There are many things still floating about, but I will deal with them as they arise since they are no longer strong enough to take me over. I had been staying low key in order not to get excited about too much so as to focus on what I believe needed to be done. So this is the turning point. The reset button is now being pushed. The Heart Center is ready for business. The lights are going to be turned on and the open sign has been put in place. Its time to get excited again, knowing that the excitement will make that which I dream become reality. Miracles have occured, but now is the moment for magic. The wand shall cast spells to bring peace and harmony to all under the seasons of collective and personal Nature.
October 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmpty Mind, Now Open Heart
Empty Mind, Open Heart, the kind of serene perspective you share is accessible every moment. So many people identify imbalance and apparent reason for struggle. They forget none of it exists. Mental discipline can be unconvered and mastered. It takes faith, trust and the will to transform from the inside out. Be present and rememberall there is to know.
October 17, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Very insightful article, Liara. "What feels good inside?" Loaded question, indeed. Without the courage to move to the next step, how will we know if it feels good or not? Does the present moment prompt us to stay put or move backwards or forward? In any event, we will move when the time comes, whether by choice or force. It is always good to be aware of our movement, no matter what.

Blessings as always, Liara.

Peace, Light and Love, C.
October 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCordieB
Cordie B, to find inner courage to make choices is a meaningful step. Some people remain frozen in fear. Each choice can be viewed as the willingness to expand.
October 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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