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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Now (22)


This moment is always fresh

Regardless of what appears to you to be happening, how you view this moment is always fresh.  You choose how to view unfolding events in your life.  You are the judge and jury, the observer and silence. It is always possible to step back, view things from another angle or turn the page.  See what is beyond apparent roadblocks.  Be aware of what you are not seeing, why you resist.

This moment, you are given the chance to make something of yourself or nothing.  Be bold.  Envision what would take your human experience beyond imagined limits.  Fearless living takes being human to a new level.  This life is about removing all that prevents you from seeing you already soar.  God gives you the gift of life.  What you do with this life is your gift to him and you.


Stop and smell the flowers

Notice what revs you up and gets you excited. You may be someone who is conditioned to do, do, do and go, go, go.  You may pride yourself on your planning and strategies to make yourself feel you live life to the fullest.  As fun as it is to experience different places and activities, what if you could be happy and find something worthwhile smelling the flowers right where you are?

Listen to words you use in conversation. It is easy to allow yourself to focus on what you are doing later today, tomorrow or on the horizon, or what you have already done.  In doing so, notice the unseen and unmentioned is here and now. If you feel anything other than appreciation about where you are and all that is unfolding in life, then get ready for another way of seeing.   You can do something, everything or nothing and it all smells of the same love in the heart. 


The secret of time 

Human life has a perceived time span.  It seems to fall between two moments in history. Notice how you live life based on the clock and schedules.  Notice at what stage time, as the mind knows it, begins to lose its hold on your focus of attention. Notice how the end always meets the beginning.

Time travel is not only possible, it is happening now.  Feel the vibration.  Notice what happens as the power of the imagination travels faster than the layer of perceived time in which events seem to unfold. From different layers of time,  information is retrieved and brought to your attention. This is not merely the role of seers and prophets.  Every being has this gift. The soul itself is the timeless oracle. Only the head and heart are grounded in perceived time. Enter inner time and access the field of abundance. Only the mind has you believe in secrets.  The heart is open and transparent.

The secret of time is that desires know none.  To be awareness is to experience the power of time travel, to move forward, backwards or in any direction and sense the playfulness. Whatever the wish, it is already realized in a future. Mastery reveals you can travel there and bring it to this moment.  The only time that exists is imagined into being by humans.  You stop your own clock.


A revelation

Notice what happens from the moment you recognize that you only ever talk with yourself.  Notice what is watching and appreciating the dialogue.  If "you" is over there then who is right here, now? 

Feel what its like to lose interest  in comparing between where you came from and where you are going.  Nothing always keeps "you" in sight. Everything is a mirror.  What do you see? Silence listens.


Three points for clarity

You may ask how to develop mindfulness.  Its less about doing than letting go.

Regardless of the area of your life, keep these three points in mind:

1)    The most important time is NOW

2)    The most important person is in front of you (in the mirror or whom you offer service)

3)    The most important thing to do is to care (show compassion)

"Enlightenment is understanding that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, except exactly who you’re being right now."- - Neale Donald Walsch