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Entries in light (45)


Function consciously beyond 3D 

Notice that no method exists to reach the natural state of being. Distractions exist to act as stepping stones, pointers or catapults. No method exists to suddenly know and accept what is always here. This is not the ego's natural state. Ego arises based on concepts, attitudes, framed within language, beliefs that "I/me" is the basis of all intention, fear and judgment. Attempts to transmit inner knowing to those still in ego consciousness is impossible. Awareness is like an inner light that reveals itself beyond language, beyond objectification of the body, or personal identity. All of this is illusory but an ego cannot be convinced of this as this is basis of ego. It is the letting go of each frame of reference created by ego that reveals divine consciousness. As one reaches the belief in the impossibility of it, shifts occur. The logic of Zen koans is so paradoxical, it takes one outside the mind so one the self vanishes. What you do is that you make no sense. Losing the (ego) mind is key. That which tries to understand or work through the problem is the problem. We cannot desire to be free as we already are. Desire itself is unnatural. Being has no aversion. Wishing to be somebody else in a different state keeps you in "that" state of wanting, judging, restless fear of not having or being. Ego is trapped. Prior to acquiring an ego, the natural state is here. It still exists in a different dimension. It has no preferences, no intention. You cannot attain what you already are. Ego cannot know oneness or wholeness of Being. There is nothing you need to do. You are already are it. You are separated from it from the desire to know and become it. Imagine no object exist (basis of ego). Enlightenment is not an object, not even something you can want. The sheer impossibility of the situation guides one beyond words and ideas created by the ego that is necessary to understand what it can never understand. If you try to get somewhere, you reject where you were and temporarily forget the natural state. Grounding in Love shifts vibration and accelerates the light to see and function consciously beyond 3D.


Why Intuition is the key

Notice our intuition connects us to our origins. We all have dreams that are not simply dreams. They are vibrational guides and parallel realities. We are all “pieces” of the same puzzle. Our intuition will always recognize that “peace” is knowing that All is Love and you are one with Love. The purest form of Love is accessible inside. “Peace” is knowing. It is knowing a place inside where Light shines the brightest. Following the path illuminated by your brightest light will always lead to Inner Peace. The light within connects each of us with dragons. From a galactic view, the dragon body is seen as a new “form-kind” as it was made partially of light body (similar to 4D “spirits” but made of glowing, radiant light similar to our sun) and partially of matter. This design enabled dragons to know touch, relationship, and the appropriate use of power. Power is feared and often misunderstood by humans, most specifically since power has been hugely misused and humans have fallen victim to its abuse. The true definition of power is the ability to manage and direct intense, consolidated light to create, communicate, or direct manifestation. It is the Mastery of Light. Self-mastery is Inner Light- Mastery. Dragons are Light Masters. Once individuals enter the Realm of Peace, (gaining self-matery over desire and impulse) access to directing light energy is unlimited based on compatibility with the frequency of power. Light energy grows accessible to those who are compatible with its energy field. Power, or the ability to manage and direct energy, is accessible to those whose frequency has reached a point of harmonic evolutionary atonement. This is a key principle within the Peace Realm. This amazing power brings the responsibility to direct energy only toward compatible resonant energy fields. Technically, a Light Master has the ability to direct light anywhere, and this is a pretty incredible sense of power. Imagine the analogy that you are the sun. The sun is able to direct its Light energy toward planets that depend on its energy to survive. Were the sun to stop shining, life in many worlds and for many species would end. Likewise, a more directed and stronger flow of light energy could scorch the entire solar system. This is an enormous amount of power, so mastering one’s energy is essential. This ability to direct light through peaceful, balanced intent has curiously turned into the folklore that dragons spew flames from their mouths. Some suns are actually dragons, and some suns, like ours, are dragons in training. To become a full-fledged dragon, (sun or cosmic star) one must successfully complete an “initiation.” An important component of initiation is mastery of intuition. Intuition comes from “in-to-(I),” which is ultimately where all answers and true guidance reside. Intuition referred to as the reptilian brain because this is where the purest light is found. “Reptilian” is one term for Light Receptacle or Carrier of Light. Reptilians are our ancestors because, of course, each of us is born of Light, made of Light, and into Light we shall return. After birth of individuality in Light, one of the earliest vehicles/forms was called “Reptilian”—a mixture of form and non-form; part ethereal, part matter. The reptilian vehicle was a quasi-light body form into which many individual essences were born to experience their first incarnation. When Earth was formed by Space and Time, we knew the experimental nature of the project and the game element of design. One Truth well-known to all of us is that no essence can ever be cut off from the Truth (one’s Soul). The Truth of who you are, what you are made of, and from where you originate are Macroversal imprints that can never be erased. It is not possible to separate you from the Truth. Earth's creation was a project intended to test this concept and see if environmental circumstances (the altering of sensory perceptions) could block ability to remember. This was an experiment, or so we thought before learning of the secretive implantation of the Ego-virus into human DNA. Now although this violated all Macroversal principles and injured many participants, we did learn a great lesson: although one can be separated from intuition, the Truth connection is never lost. Intuition will always light our way as true nature in unchangeable. The more we trust ourselves, the more we listen to intuition as truest guiding Light.

Secret of the Emerging Humanity

(The Painter-Visionary Art by Annie Kyla Bee)  the clairvoyant is already developing within the states of consciousness to which the future of all humanity is advancing. It dawns the heart is not simply the physical pump widely taught but rather, a spiralling organ of multi-sensory perception. What the clairvoyant sees in form of clouds of light and colour around the human physical body (aura) will change into physical form. What visionary artists express in paintings will also emerge in the physical dimension. As fear dissipates, activating senses are already giving human beings the capacity to perceive other forms and realities. Already, the clairvoyant, using active spiritual senses, sees the spiritual models of what are to be material entities. This is a stage before instant manifestation. Imagine a world where the thought of colour emerges as colour itself, where the concept of sound is sound that is received and heard instantly through the ethers like a telepathic message by beings on the same wavelength. Imagine that vibrational downloads need not be translated via music compositions or played by instruments for others to hear a composer's vision. As Earth transforms itself, humans also enter into conscious discourse with beings completely hidden from current sensory perception. The nature of perception is expanding, such that actions, feelings and all interactions with the environment and unseen, are completely transforming. While it is common for many humans to influence sensory beings, we are evolving to act consciously on very different forces and powers. We are growing to receive and work with influences from different realms. Ideas of birth and death fall away from as it dawns "death" only occurs when consciousness depends on the external world to which it enters into dialogue with physical seses. When these physical sense organs fail, every relation to external environment ceases and "death" occurs. Yet, as Soul the is so far advanced it no longer receives or depends on the external world through physical instruments , but receives them through images the Soul creates out of itself, then it reaches the point where it interfaces with environments independently. Life cannot be interrupted against Soul's will. This kind of collective psychic consciousness is is the state of the Soul on the emerging Earth. We are moving to consciously create images, sounds, objects, beings, and more. The consequence is humans will perceive and interact more widely with beings of a higher kind than those generally encountered. The cosmic alchemist is emerging and transmuting. 


Access & Unleash more inner power

Notice as lightning storms increase in frequency & intensity, one may sense inner build-up and flow or transmission of other energies. Our life-force is a major Source of internal power. Yet, how to access and unleash it?  We all have it, but not all of us have yet experienced it awakening on a visceral level. Consciousness expands as part of transmutation, in other words, our change in form, nature and substance. This allows us to receive, decode and transmit more light. As consciousness grows, the Sun is recognised not only for its outer physical light and heat which nourish and sustain life on Earth. The inner spiritual nature of the Sun is also felt as “the Heart of the Sun”. This reveals itself as one begins to respond to its subjective pull (the great magnet) of the Sun which not only holds all bodies in its orbit, physically but subjectively, through magnetic and radiatory energies which produce friction, but also awakens consciousness within all forms. This preciptates remembering about solar stargates, and the part of one's Being that feels deeply connected to the Sun. There is more than one reason for this.  All is revealed in and by the Light.


Experience this timeless moment

Pay attention. Notice how time controls you and how you can experience timelessness. Some people stop wearing a watch or consciously shift focus of attention. Know time does not have to control or define you. Notice time only shapes and limits your life, if you allow it. You are not at the end of a process. You are the process, the original force of cosmic explosions, unfolding and expanding forever. You are the energy of the universe beyond definition.

To truly start to see things as they are, go into them. Be them. Feel what vision is as Soul. See the brilliant light of the cosmos in everything.  You evoke light in it all. BEing who you are, you call into being the light of everything. Be the timeless light.

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