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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in future (16)


5 Tips to eliminate stress forever

At different stages, you may think you feel stressed and share stories about it. Listen to words and tenses you use to describe observations.   You may fear history will repeat or worry about what has not yet happened.  How do you keep your head above water?

Perhaps you also allow the mind to linger on missed opportunities because you felt something was too risky or you feared what would happen and got stressed.  Be attentive to how often you write and speak in the present tense.  Rest assured, life  exists beyond stress, and it is accessible to all.  Ponder these 5 tips to eiminate stress forever;

1) Let go of the past.  You cannot change the past so why spend your time thinking about it and talking about it? Watch what happens when people around you do this.  The pulse races, adrenalin kicks in and an emotional roller coaster can take over.  Know that a silent observer beyond brain and mental noise can shift your focus of attention. 

2) Stop worrying about the future.  Consider what happens as you allow thoughts to dwell on the future.  Fear encroaches.  Stay in the present moment and do what is necessary to prepare your mind for any challenges you may face around the corner.

3) Be a rubbish bin with a hole in the bottom.  Notice people dump their stories of frustration, imbalance, anger and pressure on you.  You can dwell onthem or allow them to pass through you.  Similarly, you can dwell on your thoughts and perceptions or focus attention beyond them.  Thinking about things reveals itself as the hard part. 

4) Explore meditation.  Allowing the mind to recell the feeling of emptying helps you trust that letting go of thoughts.  Notice the longer you hold onto a full glass of water (or something else), the heavier it gets.  Similarly, the longer you cling to memories of experiences and discuss them, the more they weigh you down.

5) Focus on the present moment.  Listen to the signs of the body.  Notice that you only get sick if you grow desensitized about what the body is telling you.  Notice the basic energy level of the brain and other body parts. Notice how often you ignore your body.  Notice how when you are kind and rest appropriately, you can perform to a very high standard.  Without rest, you are inefficient.

 “Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to be gentle with others.” -Lama Yeshe


You are remembering

Right now, you are remembering more.  You are sifting through what you are not and awakening to what you are.  You recognize the witness because you know this is you.  The witness of mind tells you the mind is not you.  You are the light that shines its focus on perception of events.  The light intercepts and interprets glimpses of vibration.  You are the essence of being and non-being.  When you feel emotions or inclinations that seem out of character, you may sense an interdimensional bleedthrough of other aspects of yourself.  The essence of being is in more than one place now.  Dimensions are layered.  You are integrating past/future aspects of you.


Its all right on schedule

Notice if you focus on the world of where you have been or if you are on the trail to where you are going.  Listen to people who ask you questions about past or future.  Notice your answers.  Be aware of how often you ground yourself anywhere other than 'here and now.' 

Realize that to say things like, "its in the pipeline," and, "everything is unfolding as it should," shifts your  focus away from past and future back to now.  By confirming in thought, word or behaviour that something is not yet in your experience, you deny what already is.  Feel your way to the brightest possible outcome.  Align with what is already yours.  Feel joyful and satisfied no matter what your physical reality. Your chosen path does not matter.  What you choose to learn or unlearn from it does.  The authentic you exists beyond all paths.


Write the History of your future

Every moment, we think and create a time-space reality that comes into being.  Many realities exist that you do not choose to experience.  They remain outside your scope of awareness or conscious recognition.  Consider that when you believe strongly in something, you dream about it and convince yourself it exists.  During childhood, this may include fairies, dragons and enchanted beings.  Later in life, your focus tends to shift.  Yet those who believe in fairytales at any age recognize capacity to experience them on their terms.

Even now, as you reconnect with the love you are, you recall you exist in a world dependent only on how you consciously feel.  Nothing affects your feelings unless you choose.  As you reach that place where you gain control of how you feel, you can imagine and allow yourself to make choices to deliberately write the history of your future.  In other words, you have the capacity to transcribe a vision, focus your attention and work backwards as a timetraveller. Feel it into being. Give it a go. Know it works already. Look back on what has unfolded and then align with feelings you associate with the result. As a modern magician, you create your own future in this present moment.  Feelings tell you they are one in the same.


How to see the future clearly?

Many people would like to be more aware of what the future holds. Some people assume a crystal ball or some magical serum is required.  You may be surprised other means exist to tap into inner knowing.  Anyone can shift to sense the future more clearly.

Consider that meditation transforms indiviuals gradually. Disciplined practice invites expansion of openness, confidence and self-honesty, as well as the capacity to discern when people around you lie or tell the truth. The beginning of tapping into wisdom is remembering how to see through your true self.  You learn to discern motivations of self and others even before these are conscious. You may say, and so?

Given this, you are learning to sense the consequence of actions before the actions are executed.  You also begin to realize experience not only mirrors your range of feelings, but regardless of what transpires, nothing can harm the indestructable essence that is you.  You imagine the physical into being and realize non-physical discernment is key. Every stage is aligning you with Cosmic Synchronicity.