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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Its all right on schedule

Notice if you focus on the world of where you have been or if you are on the trail to where you are going.  Listen to people who ask you questions about past or future.  Notice your answers.  Be aware of how often you ground yourself anywhere other than 'here and now.' 

Realize that to say things like, "its in the pipeline," and, "everything is unfolding as it should," shifts your  focus away from past and future back to now.  By confirming in thought, word or behaviour that something is not yet in your experience, you deny what already is.  Feel your way to the brightest possible outcome.  Align with what is already yours.  Feel joyful and satisfied no matter what your physical reality. Your chosen path does not matter.  What you choose to learn or unlearn from it does.  The authentic you exists beyond all paths.

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Reader Comments (6)

A schedule is an effort to have a vision of the future happen along a controlled timeline where certain things happen at certain places. It then is a construct that funnels energy from one dam to the next dam to the next dam to the next dam till the energy finally gets to the final outcome which is the desired conclusion and a vision come true. The schedule is Right for sure because each moment is being directed and manipulated by the masculine conservative mind. The past therefore dictates the present moment to achieve a future that is not here. This then provides for little feeling to be sensed along the route to the final destination in this present moment. Instead of enjoying the ride with an open heart, one is then teeter tottering the length of the path, never to achieve the sweet spot of truly feeling alive. The authentic you exists beyond all schedules and paths.
December 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter~ bern ~
Bern, humans tend to interpret a given word based on attachments, beliefs and cultural assumptions. As definitions are published in books, they are interpreted and re-interpreted by the authors based on dominant perceptions of history and diverse factors, including those you mention. Another perspective of 'schedule' is unrelated to any human timeline. Consider the cosmic conducting of energy vibration that orchestrates all one experiences. You feel your way to something undefinable but cosmic laws know what's coming. In this way, a cosmic unfolding is on its own "schedule" outside the reference points familiar to man. Some people prefer to believe something external controls their lives. In truth, your relationship with you and how you feel emit energy vibration and co-create with cosmic laws.
December 17, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
HI Liara .. I feel my way to the brightest outcome, and let everything unfold just as it should .. I will be alright and my life is alright - better than in fact and I choose to learn as I go ... cheers Hilary
December 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, it also serves you to be willing to unlearn as you go, to let go of beliefs, and to rediscover what has never left you. The process exhilarates and renews you.
December 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
HI Liara:I like those reality shifters. They are so much better than stumbling for words to defend my inner expectation.
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJim Grannan
Hi Jim, it is indeed refreshing to remember it is always possible to shift focus and connect with the silver lining wherever you are.
January 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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