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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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6 Ways to feel good where you are

How often are you tempted to assume the worst? You see someone approaching and assume you must be in trouble or, hear about a forecast storm and already imagine accidents and fatalities, or being unable to get to work. Someone ill you know may be resigned to a negative outcome.  What about you?

When an event unfolds, does it suddenly evoke discomfort? Does your mind wander to thoughts that spiral out of control? If this reminds you of someone, these ideas are worth sharing. Consider six ways to feel good about your present conditions;

1) Realize choices exist. People can decide to feel happy for no particular reason just as they can choose to get upset or depressed about being where they are not. You live the life you imagine into being. To realize you exert power over your thoughts changes everything. No outcome is carved in stone.

2) Seek beyond the obvious.  The sleuth in you already knows blessings are found in not getting a particular job, being overlooked for a promotion, rejected for a training program or whatever prevents you from realizing a goal.  Not getting what your conscious mind thought you wanted brings you closer to what you are meant to be doing now. Events enable you to reframe experiences and stretch your mind. 

3) Transcend emotions. Whenever you permit emotions to control you other than love and compassion, you are being distracted by something irrelevant to the bigger picture.  That is, fear, doubt, anger, frustration and the like, are based on misunderstanding. Simply shift focus.  Deeper messages are conveyed. Choose to look inside self to find what you need.

4) Address limits of human perception.  As you evolve, you grasp human beings do not perceive everything that is happening.  Many more events are unfolding than the human mind registers and understands in human terms.  Knowing this, you begin to see it makes sense not to jump to foregone conclusions related to fragments of reality you discern.

5) Every possibility already exists.  All knowledge, all discoveries, all mindsets, all verdicts and creations, are dormant energy waiting to be summoned by the human mind.  They exist in a formless realm until someone thinks them into form.  You draw from the universal mind by raising your awareness of it. Dr John Hagelin says, "All you have to do is hold your mind on the end result and imagine it filling a need, and you call it into being.  As you ask, feel and believe, you will receive." Love is always the answer to every question.

6) Accept you get what you need.  Views of needs that stem from ego are superficial and misguided. To believe you want something may in fact overlook what kinds of life experiences you truly require.  As you evolve to view each experience as a test of resilience, resourcefulness and wisdom, you gain more far from your own silence and self-reflection.


Nothing to lose and everything to gain

Analysis of dream submitted by S.D. in Canada.

Dream- I was walking my bicycle along winding, cobblestone streets. The ambience had an old-world feel. Dust blew off buildings of sand-colored stone.  An outer wall shrank in height to my right as I moved forward. I passed students whispering in French about on foreign topics. The glass-window rooms were above. As I searched to park my bicycle, I saw red scooters where tires were clamped with Denver boots against the right wall. I felt awkward or out-of-place there.

Predominant Emotion- caution, fear, anxiety, insecurity

Intepretation- Two-wheel vehicles raise issues of balance. You may worry about how to create tangible success in your current endeavours. An underlying issue raised is how the mind measures conditions inappropriately with outdated criteria.  The dust of sandy buildings invites a shift in mindset.

Ego would like you to forget you are grounded on a foundation of stability that is "rock-solid." That is, part of you is fully aware the self is safe and separate from your body and ego mind. You interpret and deconstruct the physical world in systematic layers based on perceived fragments of time.  

Certain modes of thinking or travelling through life only seem beyond you because they do not reflect the real you.  If some person, place or thing does not feel right, then its not yet, it is. You require every chosen experience to decode what is real and what is illusion. As you re-evaluate your pace of learning, you consciously detach from desire for position and signs of external power. As you turn inside, you begin to recognize you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

A Denver boot is a metal device attached to a wheel of a parked car so it cannot be driven away until a fine is paid or, the owner reports to police.  Authority do this to keep a tight reign of control.  As you evolve to be more conscious and deliberate about raising awareness, you park your thoughts only in places that resonate and serve you. Self-created limits dissolve.


5 Tips to move beyond intimidation

The vast majority of human beings experience something called initimidation. This is often understood as allowing someone in a perceived position of authority to make you feel less than you are. Consider these ideas to move beyond intimidation and outline stepsto get your life back;

1) Recall Eleanor Roosevelt. This former U.S. first lady is known for this gentle reminder: "nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." As you opt to be taken in, you give away power.  Rest assured, you can also take it back.

2) Learn to see it for what it is. If someone seems to force you into some behaviour, they do not.  You imagine fear to deter yourself for some underlying reason. The person who appears to coerce or threaten you draws to the surface feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and fear. To be willing to inflate someone's ego mirrors what you do to your own. An egoist is more interested in himself than you.

3) Recognize superiority is overrated. Some people would say superiority and inferiority do not exist. From this perspective, they are imagined states of being based on your level of confidence, shyness or brainwashing. These llusions dissolve the moment you stop believing power matters.

4) Transcend the smoke screen. When someone acts to push you around and you allow emotion to control you, you get distracted by a smokescreen. If you are building a business and taking market share, a competitor may be willing to do anything to regain clients.  As you shift focus to servicing clients and satisfying needs, you learn people who voice threats attract negative energy. Dishonesty does not pay.

5) See the homour in it. As you raise awareness, you begin to realize the mind plays tricks to help you learn. You find yourself so fascinating you permit yourself to get wrapped up in illusion. John Bradshaw says, "Ego is to the true self what a flashlight is to a spotlight." How you behave without knowing why becomes funnier as you evolve to sense mind games. It plays hide and seek to remind you the lighter side of existence.


10 ways to take charge of your life

Many people would like to take more of an active role in defining their destiny. They do not always realize they can do this anytime they choose. You design and revise road maps of choices. Consider these ten ways to take charge of your life;

1) Notice how you think. The subjects you hone in on offer signs about what makes sense to you. Was it someone who drew your attention there? Learn to listen to your core self.

2) Realize thoughts shape feelings. It takes practice to sift throughthoughts andconnect them to how you feel. Even nothing comes from somewhere. Learn to recognize the shape you are in relates directly to what you choose to feel.

3) Decode your fears. As you learn to focus on the present, you begin to sense a new level of mindfulness. It becomes possible to discern the difference between healthy fight-or-flight response to valid threats and unnnecessary worries. Learn to detect and dissolve fearful imaginings that distract.

4) Align focus with intention. If you are unclear where you are or where you are going, it is more difficult tochannel your energy in meaningful ways. Getting to know yourself empowers focus. Realign thoughts and feelings with deliberate intent.

5) Be straight. You may have heard talkers and doers exist. Do you talk directly to people who bother you or avoid confrontations? As you learn to be more honest with yourself, talking comes more easily. Learn the meaning of core honesty.

6) Shift away from complaining. Listen closely.When you speak or write, is your reflex tobelittle or downplay efforts torave with enthusiasm? Negative energy drains your power. Learnall thought and feeling is controlled withdiscipline.

7) Switch from being problem-focused to solutions-oriented. Growing awareness allows you to realize the nature and slant of your perceptions. When your mind wanders to obstacles, you benefit from learning how and when to stop.

8) Recognize all emotions are your friends. Raising consciousness helps you realize that all emotions teach you. As you learn to let go of expectations and labelsfor particular emotions, you realize that each offers you valuable insight.

9) Stop ignoring your physiology. Your body constantly sends you signals about your health and well-being. Your heart rate, level of fatigue, temperature and energy are sample physical messages. When you feel under the weather, this draws attention toareas that require more attention.

10) Release self-defense mechanisms.More often than you realize, your mind goes on the defensive. People will say things and your conditioned impulse will be to correct, toprove your right, and establish some level of superiority. In truth, doing nothing takes charge. Learn to channel energy wisely.

10) Accept you are unaware of all answers. Although its said all answers lie within the self, that does not mean every person accesses all his own inner wisdom all at once. Learning to take charge of your life is a process. As you evolve to keep perspective, you nurture hope and self-acceptance. They empower you to transcend unwanted conditions and mindsets.


6 Ways to re-align what ails you

Many people who feel discomfort or unease do not always realize it translates details of energy states. To consult an energy healer is one way to help uncover and localize some of your core imbalances. Consider these exercises you can do alone to help open your mind and explore some core issues;

1) Heed "ah-ha" moments. A series of events will lead to a moment of realisation. This may trigger a series of painful experiences you had repressed or, other intense emotions selectively disregarded and forgotten. Difficult memories emerge as you admit you are not being true to self. Emotions present as a gauge for you to learn why you generate them.

2) Raise self-awareness. Notice how certain life choices weaken your sense of core foundations, principles and values. Recall a situation where you did not listen to your inner voice. Reminisce of the stress or turbulence that ensued. Feel the energy imbalance. Use this to identify how beliefs formed to justify what you did not wish to do, but did anyway.

3) Realize what you resist. What you think is authentic or real in life progressively dissolves. It may be a condition, job, relationship, whatever clarifies who you believe you are.  As you evolve to recognize which ideas have been instilled, you gradually peel those away to uncover what you resist.

4) Restore faith in yourself.  A shift in awareness can lead to sudden feelings of betrayal and identity crisis. As you begin to grasp how you create and perpetuate illusions, you can choose to replace distorted ideas and initiate self-healing.

5) Build resilience. Some people relate staying power to developing physical endurance. To expand, incorporate psychological and spiritual angles.  Decide to nuture positive thoughts and accept what you cannot change outside yourself. Cumulative effects are incredibly powerful.  As you gain insight into core rhythms and energies, you begin to grasp how the vibration and frequency of your energy body affect how you feel and what you perceive. 

6) Brainstorm harmony. Each person has a sense of what creates and takes away from harmony.  Energy you experience travels in waves, patterns and movements that affect your changing states. Some experiences will seem more challenging.  Yet, those are  the ones that are most enriching.  They invite you to stretch and redefine balance and well-being.  As this process of re-aligning becomes more conscious and deliberate, you sense harmony that defies words.