10 ways to take charge of your life

Many people would like to take more of an active role in defining their destiny. They do not always realize they can do this anytime they choose. You design and revise road maps of choices. Consider these ten ways to take charge of your life;
1) Notice how you think. The subjects you hone in on offer signs about what makes sense to you. Was it someone who drew your attention there? Learn to listen to your core self.
2) Realize thoughts shape feelings. It takes practice to sift throughthoughts andconnect them to how you feel. Even nothing comes from somewhere. Learn to recognize the shape you are in relates directly to what you choose to feel.
3) Decode your fears. As you learn to focus on the present, you begin to sense a new level of mindfulness. It becomes possible to discern the difference between healthy fight-or-flight response to valid threats and unnnecessary worries. Learn to detect and dissolve fearful imaginings that distract.
4) Align focus with intention. If you are unclear where you are or where you are going, it is more difficult tochannel your energy in meaningful ways. Getting to know yourself empowers focus. Realign thoughts and feelings with deliberate intent.
5) Be straight. You may have heard talkers and doers exist. Do you talk directly to people who bother you or avoid confrontations? As you learn to be more honest with yourself, talking comes more easily. Learn the meaning of core honesty.
6) Shift away from complaining. Listen closely.When you speak or write, is your reflex tobelittle or downplay efforts torave with enthusiasm? Negative energy drains your power. Learnall thought and feeling is controlled withdiscipline.
7) Switch from being problem-focused to solutions-oriented. Growing awareness allows you to realize the nature and slant of your perceptions. When your mind wanders to obstacles, you benefit from learning how and when to stop.
8) Recognize all emotions are your friends. Raising consciousness helps you realize that all emotions teach you. As you learn to let go of expectations and labelsfor particular emotions, you realize that each offers you valuable insight.
9) Stop ignoring your physiology. Your body constantly sends you signals about your health and well-being. Your heart rate, level of fatigue, temperature and energy are sample physical messages. When you feel under the weather, this draws attention toareas that require more attention.
10) Release self-defense mechanisms.More often than you realize, your mind goes on the defensive. People will say things and your conditioned impulse will be to correct, toprove your right, and establish some level of superiority. In truth, doing nothing takes charge. Learn to channel energy wisely.
10) Accept you are unaware of all answers. Although its said all answers lie within the self, that does not mean every person accesses all his own inner wisdom all at once. Learning to take charge of your life is a process. As you evolve to keep perspective, you nurture hope and self-acceptance. They empower you to transcend unwanted conditions and mindsets.