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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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6 Ways to feel good where you are

How often are you tempted to assume the worst? You see someone approaching and assume you must be in trouble or, hear about a forecast storm and already imagine accidents and fatalities, or being unable to get to work. Someone ill you know may be resigned to a negative outcome.  What about you?

When an event unfolds, does it suddenly evoke discomfort? Does your mind wander to thoughts that spiral out of control? If this reminds you of someone, these ideas are worth sharing. Consider six ways to feel good about your present conditions;

1) Realize choices exist. People can decide to feel happy for no particular reason just as they can choose to get upset or depressed about being where they are not. You live the life you imagine into being. To realize you exert power over your thoughts changes everything. No outcome is carved in stone.

2) Seek beyond the obvious.  The sleuth in you already knows blessings are found in not getting a particular job, being overlooked for a promotion, rejected for a training program or whatever prevents you from realizing a goal.  Not getting what your conscious mind thought you wanted brings you closer to what you are meant to be doing now. Events enable you to reframe experiences and stretch your mind. 

3) Transcend emotions. Whenever you permit emotions to control you other than love and compassion, you are being distracted by something irrelevant to the bigger picture.  That is, fear, doubt, anger, frustration and the like, are based on misunderstanding. Simply shift focus.  Deeper messages are conveyed. Choose to look inside self to find what you need.

4) Address limits of human perception.  As you evolve, you grasp human beings do not perceive everything that is happening.  Many more events are unfolding than the human mind registers and understands in human terms.  Knowing this, you begin to see it makes sense not to jump to foregone conclusions related to fragments of reality you discern.

5) Every possibility already exists.  All knowledge, all discoveries, all mindsets, all verdicts and creations, are dormant energy waiting to be summoned by the human mind.  They exist in a formless realm until someone thinks them into form.  You draw from the universal mind by raising your awareness of it. Dr John Hagelin says, "All you have to do is hold your mind on the end result and imagine it filling a need, and you call it into being.  As you ask, feel and believe, you will receive." Love is always the answer to every question.

6) Accept you get what you need.  Views of needs that stem from ego are superficial and misguided. To believe you want something may in fact overlook what kinds of life experiences you truly require.  As you evolve to view each experience as a test of resilience, resourcefulness and wisdom, you gain more far from your own silence and self-reflection.

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Reader Comments (6)

#3 and #4 are my favorite
I am a huge fan of emotional intelligence as it helps me tons and when i ignore it, it hurts me tons
Alik, from the moment a person realizes he has choices to feel good and to decide how to view conditions of the moment, he can take control and turn things around. This draws attention to your innate ability to adapt to change.
March 6, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
The idea of choice is one I've been a big believer of Liara. We all have the power to choose - in all situations - what our actions will be. Knowing that we have this choice, and it can be a journey to get to that point, is a great place to be. There is much freedom in it - in knowing that the decision is ours. Just yesterday, I was driving behind a slow car. And I started to get upset. And then, I stepped back from that emotion. when I did, I was able to then focus on being happy for getting to view the scenery more. And it was all good. Thanks Liara!
March 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLance
Lance, cars that seem to go slower that you would like are a kind of guardian angels. When a car speeds by, that car may end up getting flagged over for a speeding ticket or, end up in an accident. You are always where you are meant to be. The universe takes steps to keep you there for reasons you have yet to grasp. Choosing to open your senses, to view worlds differently, is always very useful.
March 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I find much peace in your reply Liara, thank you. I'm seeing this also as the opportunity really have a closer experience with my surroundings.
March 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLance
I think #1 and #5 are the mental blocks that I see people struggle with. So many people think that they are in a prediciment that they cannot get out of.
March 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKimmy

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