What if you feel torn?

Very often, people feel as though their choices project results which would leave them in an awkward position either way. When was the last time you felt torn among choices? What kind of experience do you have in this regard? Reflect on this amidst any quandry;
1) Consider the hidden reasons you are drawn to each choice.
2) Notice when your impulse is to appease others at expense of self.
3) Remember you are not meant to please everyone (& seeking to do so reflects state of mind).
4) Ask what is real about the question. Transitory emotional states are not real.
5) Ponder the significance of a silent mind. Events follow events. See things as they are.
Reader Comments (8)
Anyway I myself was trapped between two choices that it stressed me out for quite some times. But then I realized it could be another major issue I had to transcend in life so, instead of rushing, seeking immediate solution, I waited... and see where it leads. I was amazed to see how more and more clues appeared, and it is much easier to choose between them now.
Maybe, remembering that life is simply a lesson we need to learn, could really be very helpful :)
Sometimes I struggle with wanting to help others, or even take action to make something happen, vis-a-vis sitting back and just realizing I have the choice to act, react or not. It seems a bit of a fine line at times.
This topic you raise here is quite fascinating and one I just wrote about and will post next week....or an aspect of it. At one point in my life I realized that for me, more important than the "outcome" or "being torn" or "stuck" was that I actively LIVE life. That there really was no right or wrong and that everything already is in perfection. It is only a matter of me aligning myself with that perfection at any given moment, no matter what is happening. That and having a willingness to learn from "supposed" mistakes, a willingness to learn from trial and "supposed" error.
I also found that for ME it was more important to keep my life energy flowing, moving, fluid, in grace, than to stay torn or stuck worrying about which choice was "right". Because in essence it’s all right (alright) and Life will move on with or without me. And I decided that I preferred to be in the flow of it and that it was ALL LIFE, ALL RIGHT, ALL SAFE and ALL PERFECT. So it didn't really matter what I did, only that listen to my heart and soul as best I could and let Life happen. Well, actually Life is ALWAYS happening, but for me to throw myself into the glorious stream of Life and trust and know and BE one with it. To live thusly we look back on our life and we have no regrets, only an existence that is bursting with experiences, emotions, insights, knowing and delicious vitality.
Aaah, see? You always inspire me. LOL!! :)
I am hugging you dear friend.
Sending love your way.
I probably have been doing far too much for others and I now need to focus on me, after considering my mother. I am learning to be silent and to let things evolve .. I try and have two, three or more alternatives so the game plan is always there and I am going forward – but I need to press that button to fast start now.
All the best - Hilary