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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in dreams (68)


Awaken the wizard inside

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream- I stood before a man in a cloak with a long white beard and mustache. In outward appearance, he reminded me of Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) or Albus Dumbledore (from Harry Potter). He sat in lotus position. His cloak had two golden lines that joined at a point at the area of his sternum. In the air in front of him, he focused on 4 multi-dimensional shapes floated parallel and rotated: a sphere, a cube, a star and a cone. Each shape was a solid primary color, then slowly grew transparent.

Interpretation-  (This is a glimpse of a longer analysis)

The sternum draws attention to the heart. All answers you seek are found here.  That is, "the point" or centre of all perceived worlds.  Life transitions take shape as your evolving reality appears out of thin air.  The flow of ideas and feelings inside is simply energy concentrated where you focus attention. 

Conditioned humans are "square" or limited in their thoughts.  The being is unlimited.  When your attention is filtered through the human mind, you tell yourself what is not possible unless you deliberately choose to think "outside-the-box."  As the shapes shift position, this invites yo uto appreciate multiple vantage points.  Be open to expand sensory perception.  Allow intuition to flow more freely to guide you. The presence of the lotus reminds you that the essence of being is enlightened.  No need for any 'hocus pocus.'

Primary colors invite you to get back to basics.  What the mind presumes is important is often irrelevant.  Thus, it can be easy to permit the self to get distracted on situations that evoke negative emotions. Every choice is part of a process.  You hypnotize the mind or engage in trance as you create a life.  

Magicians and wizards harness inner power effectively and prompt your growing creativity.  Messages that are confiddent, encourageing and wise remind you to listen to intuition and be open to self-mastery. As you grow self-aware and begin to hone untapped skills, stages of disillusionment present. This helps you stay humble and see different sides to a given situation. Being honest and open allows you to enter the heart of stillness and commune with life itself.  Turn inward.  Unlock the wizard within.  Glimpse real freedom.


How dreams guide you to ESP

In working with a friend during stages of her own conscious awakening, I have been drawing her attention to the power of her ESP. This 'woo-woo' subject used to evoke fear and discomfort in her. She did not believe in multiple levels of consciousness. In her mind, a person either knew something or did not, and things are more or less straightforward.

During casual conversation, this woman described a period in her life where she lived with her boyfriend and had a vision for getting married. She sensed he was cheating on her yet, initially repressed thoughts this individual was not "the one." She liked the idea of the fairytale, having her dad walk her down the aisle with all the trimmings. Her awake mind had one clear agenda. Yet, something inside her did not feel right.

Much to her surprise, she had a dream. To that point, she recalled dreams intermittently and rarely shared them. During this dream experience, she went to a place where she witnessed her boyfriend being unfaithful. In vivid detail to her boyfriend, she was able to describe the place, the woman with her boyfriend (whom my friend had never seen or met) and other details that shocked him completely. What shocked her was how she moved through time and space felt so natural.

In a nutshell, this astral projection shifted her conscious awareness.  She now has more faith in her non-traditional senses and intution she cannot readily explain. This friend left her now former boyfriend. She is also coming to realize through her own experience that more goes on in a given moment than any being realizes. What she senses about other areas of her life is spot on as well. She has new faith.

As this friend now experiences cancer, she is discerning her sensitivities heightening even more. When family members expressed anxiety about her finances, she foresaw how disability compensation would come through and it did. Se no longer only 'dreams' at night.  As she opens up to the wisdom presented in her dreams, she learns to trust parts of her consciousness that she doubted in her recent perceived past. Everything is different as she moves beyond her inner judge.

This story reminds human beings they are energy. They create thought forms out of that energy.  Negative energy feeds on fear they also create. Harmful energy dissipates as you makes choices that reflect self-love and acceptance.


Hold that thought!

Human beings have a tendency to hang onto what they no longer need. Its a process to figure out what is worth keeping, what is holding you down, back or just obscuring what you really are. How do you know whether to hold that thought?

1) What are you holding back? From yourself? Others?

2) When do you cling to ideas, promises or visions?

3) How does releasing the mind, body and spirit help you?

4) Which experiences or dreams inspire possibilities?

5) What happens as you feel waves rush through you?

6) Where is consciousness is all of this? How is it shifting?

7) Why are you gaining insight into resistance and surrender?


Look inside yourself for truth

Lakota elders are among those who remind human beings that they can always look inside themselves for the truth.  Before you decide whether something is possible or not and reach inside to answer, part of you instinctively think about it.  Other parts of you explore how you feel about it.  Then, what?

As you begin to sense contemplation itself is part of a bigger process, you realize you gradually dispel unconsciousness.  As a person becomes more fully conscious, drama no longer enters that person's life. Events that unfold do not affect you.

In essence, you are slowly realizing resistance, control, power, greed, and other ego strategies are not the issue. Rather, ego itself prevents you from reconnecting to what you are. Consider these concepts and how they relate to your truth;

1) Multisensory perception.  This is a direct link to energy vibrations everywhere, beyond details the five senses and their collective energy provide.  It shrinks physical distance between what you know and the source of whatever jumps to mind.  It presents an alternative way of knowing to what you have been taught. This system encourages you to be open to ability you have always had yet forgot. Fear temporarily gets in the way.

2) Synchrony.   No single way exists to experience this.  You may get hunches, ah-ha moments, smell a scent that triggers connections other people would not necessarily get the same way you do.  Your senses communicate in ways you somehow understand yet, resist. Learn not to question. Trust intuition.  Choose to accept answers in forms or senations given.

3) Channelling. Wisdom arrives in forms one does not always readily grasp or accept. Non-physical sources of information are linked to realities or dimensions outside the physical plane. Beings beyond you know what motivates your behaviour, which initiatives you choose, every challenge you encounter, and lessons you learn or ignore. You are completely transparent in your energy vibration. Those who read energy and emotions help you recognize options, explore feelings and learn to be more loving. Guidance is available when you ask and listen.

4) Dreams. Dreams offer insight into your authentic capacities as an energy being. The series of symbols, stories and talents you can awaken to recall lead you to far more options for learning about the self. Each energy shift alters degrees of awareness.  This permits you to discern opportunities to see past limitations of physical reality.

5) Perspective.  Each decision you make is based on your free will.  You choose to incarnate, to create situations you experience to broaden your horizons.  A constant influx of messages travels through your entire being.  Perspective expands as you become aware of signals sent from different vantage points.  These include non-physical guides, soul and the frequency of your higher self. To choose to live each moment to the fullest and be grounded in the moment means you actually live as if your vantage point is inside the self.


Discern energy as a self-portrait

Every human being is in the process of making choices in the physical world.  Every thought and feeling has an energy vibration that contributes to multi-dimensional patterns.  That is, sheets of energy vibrate on frequencies undetected by conscious radar.  What does it mean to your sense of realities?

Although a being's sense of "normal" experience is expanding, not every being chooses to be consciously aware.  In cases where you experience phenomena that other beings do not acknowledge or accept, they may view wider perception as 'extra-sensory' or, beyond explanation.  This reveals that perspectives can be rigid and static or flexible and fluctuating.

To take this a step further, consider mental attunement.  As you begin discerning energy vibration, you can learn to consciously discipline the mind and notice your own energy differently.  This is a new level of self-discipline. As you begin to mentally scan a variety of possibilities and timelines, what you take in with human senses changes. You begin to tap into altered realities and learn to shift interchangeable outcomes.

Consider how human beings question which aspects of their physical lives are illusions. Human beings do not always trust what they discern using their basic senses. They often doubt, scoff or disbelieve. Among those who do evolve to trust, some evolve further to experience intelligent light energy. This is a means of opening a door to much deeper consciousness.

By and by, you may come to discern energy as a soul mirror and self-portrait. The intensity of energy you feel through attitude, beliefs, emotion and unattained ambitions, offers insight into states of your character. The energy vibrations you receive determine whether you absorb uncluttered truths and to what degree you continue to perpetuate misunderstanding.

As one chooses to widen vision, to sense possibilities, one slowly reads energy. To sense soul-level energy is to begin to grasp form and features change based on one's personality and mental blocks. What you are willing to experience differs from what is. Mind power makes it possible for anyone to discern color and texture of energy layers and what exists in between.