How dreams guide you to ESP
Friday, June 19, 2009 at 1:26AM
Liara Covert in Astral Dreaming, ESP, Relationships, astral, awareness, dreams

In working with a friend during stages of her own conscious awakening, I have been drawing her attention to the power of her ESP. This 'woo-woo' subject used to evoke fear and discomfort in her. She did not believe in multiple levels of consciousness. In her mind, a person either knew something or did not, and things are more or less straightforward.

During casual conversation, this woman described a period in her life where she lived with her boyfriend and had a vision for getting married. She sensed he was cheating on her yet, initially repressed thoughts this individual was not "the one." She liked the idea of the fairytale, having her dad walk her down the aisle with all the trimmings. Her awake mind had one clear agenda. Yet, something inside her did not feel right.

Much to her surprise, she had a dream. To that point, she recalled dreams intermittently and rarely shared them. During this dream experience, she went to a place where she witnessed her boyfriend being unfaithful. In vivid detail to her boyfriend, she was able to describe the place, the woman with her boyfriend (whom my friend had never seen or met) and other details that shocked him completely. What shocked her was how she moved through time and space felt so natural.

In a nutshell, this astral projection shifted her conscious awareness.  She now has more faith in her non-traditional senses and intution she cannot readily explain. This friend left her now former boyfriend. She is also coming to realize through her own experience that more goes on in a given moment than any being realizes. What she senses about other areas of her life is spot on as well. She has new faith.

As this friend now experiences cancer, she is discerning her sensitivities heightening even more. When family members expressed anxiety about her finances, she foresaw how disability compensation would come through and it did. Se no longer only 'dreams' at night.  As she opens up to the wisdom presented in her dreams, she learns to trust parts of her consciousness that she doubted in her recent perceived past. Everything is different as she moves beyond her inner judge.

This story reminds human beings they are energy. They create thought forms out of that energy.  Negative energy feeds on fear they also create. Harmful energy dissipates as you makes choices that reflect self-love and acceptance.

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