To think about conditions does not mean you understand the mind or the point of the current exercise in a stage of your physical existence. You may dwell on something you do not have or wonder why something is happening to you now. Human beings do not always choose to be aware of answers available right in front of them. Why is it not what you think?
1) You say, "I cannot see it." Another way to view this is you are not ready to create, uncover or accept the answers. Maybe you unconsciously look in the wrong place out of fear or, ignore a cluttered mind. Every thought evokes feelings that shift your focus from core emptiness and peace.
2) You harbour misunderstandings. Some beings assume they do not deserve unconditional love. The origin of doubt, resistance and surrender is the same. Hear sound and become deaf. Think but remove ego. When seeing, become selectively blind. Layers of sight denote degrees of self- acceptance.
3) You make and hold what you do not see. The perception of things creates noise, distractions. Letting go releases everything you associate with a particular thing. Attachment does not permit you to see or hear clearly. To reach a state where you do not hear mental noise, you are free.
4) You recall everything is impermanent. Reality is self-explanatory. You decide if you are coming or going. You decide which lessons you require and orchestrate the most meaningful ways to teach self effectively. Everything has already come to you. When the senses cease to be reckless, soul self turns on inner light. Remove filters from eternal sun.