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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in change (53)


Know who controls your life

Many people believe that something outside themselves controls the evolution of their lives.  During a process of remembering, you grow aware you actually control the evolution and perception of all aspects of who you are. Athough you are not always able to change your conditions, you decide how to respond.  You fight and resist what you see or allow and accept every message as a silver lining.  Notice if your version of control is rigid or flexible.  Do you limit each vision or recognize a malleable, guiding light?


What is emerging?

Even right now, you are taking action that itself makes that action more beautiful. People are conditioned to focus on what they gain on a physical level.  As you begin to awaken, you gain insight into nothing.  You come to feel its the nature of love to express itself, to make itself known and to work through what unfolds.  To feel the world you perceive is love in action allows self to expand.  How to  do it? 

One suggestion is to consider how your views on suffering invite change.  Any call for attention is also a gesture of love.  The love you are exists to expand, deepen consciousness and understanding of being.  When love is withheld, suffering is permitted to spread.  You stop taking for granted dreams can exist without dreamers. You shift to focus on how everything you do is a step to Transform your life.


What kind of world do you create?

Consider what it feels like to see as the mind and heart do alone. Consider how it feels to imagine you are separate from everything and then how it feels to be one with everything.

When someone is sick, notice your response or indifference. If a person is experiencing apparent challenges,notice whether you feel hardened and detached, whether you are conditioned to feel alienated that person or detached from what the physical senses tell you.

Now, imagine a world of balance and harmony. What are you doing to benefit others and also awaken to certain traits and characteristics within? Recognize that how you think and feel creates the world in which you live. At any given moment, you can choose another vantage point, another "way of seeing."  Every state is simply a state unless it is coloured or intepreted and judged by the mind.


Recall the joy of well-being

When you seek peace of mind and cannot find it, one perspective is the mind is expressing its innate restlessness.  Another way to perceive peace of mind is to sense this is a lack of disturbance.  What does this tell you about how you relate?

Move beyond considering possibilities.  Recall what constitutes the joy of well-being.  To feel peace itself has nothing to do with mind, which only knows discontent, comparison and contrast.  What if what you discern as progress or prioirities is simply a change from what you believe is unpleasant to what you feel as pleasant.  Every moment you are the timeless and changeless. Reality does not begin or end, it is perpetual, without begnning or end, noticed or not. Mind is not in charge of whether you Transform your life.


Notice the origins of your gifts

Some people do not realize that the mind rights off key origins of their innate gifts. Perhaps you are not in the habit of reflecting on the role of ancestry, qualities you dislike in others, perceived enemies and difficult feelings in the gifts you awaken.  What would you say if the purpose of choosing to create and experience adversity, to step outside comfort zones, is to draw attention to dimensions of limitless being you selectively ignore? How do you respond to sensing that where you choose to be has everything to do with your own unveiling?

In other words, transformation has many origins and yet, you decide to make feelings and motivations more conscious or not.  You determine what you are ready to accept and integrate into your emerging luminescent energy field, or deny it exists.  Consider fear and how you respond to repress or overcome it.  Be aware of where you are standing and why, the implications of your choices.

What you leave behind or escape is just as significant as the directions in which you shift and what you consciously choose to embrace. This relates to everyone you have ever known or heard about, and energy not even discerned yet in your scope of awareness. Take a moment to ponder all the reasons you have for gratitude.  This is yet again, another indication that you choose to Transform your life.