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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in buddha (18)


The noblest work

The mental dream prompts you to focus on external drama, imbalance or confusion. As you step back and observe your life, you lose interest in deciphering thoughts, emotions and resistance.  Consciousness flows all around you.  As you let go of what no longer serves you, you lose yourself in stillness.  Feelings of joy arise spontaneously.  The radiance of perfect life stands out to you.

To release yourself from the drama is to sense you float above it.  What does it feel like to taste life in ways you cannot recall doing before? As you become aware of how you feel in all interactions you have with the external world, you can surrender into a heavenly place where soul abides in mutual respect with all life.  As you let go of everything you are taught to think is important, a nurturing feeling and light fill you completely.  Multiple dimensions of reality reveal themselves to you.  Each of them draws attention to timeless blessings.  Unconditional love is expressing itself through you.  Awakening opens doorways to infinity.  Expansion does not end.  There is no final destination.

"The stages of the Noble Path are: Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Behavior, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration." - Buddha

"The noblest work is to cultivate the soul." - Sadhu Vaswani


Be happy now

If you focus attention on the external world, and link your sense of happiness to that, you also set yourself up for potential disappointment.  For instance, if you tell yourself you will be happy when your conditions change, or when you obtain something that you are convinced you do not yet have, then you are distracting yourself from the happiness of being here in this moment. Allow yourself to see through the lens of love, and love is all you see. That is, expectations, judgments or other distractions no longer come into your scope. From the moment you are open and receptive to the flow of life, and stop analyzing, only happiness exists.

"Happiness never decreases by being shared." -Buddha

Let go of what is not you

Notice what happens as you let go of what is familliar, palpable and predictable.  Notice what urges you to cling and attach.  Notice what or whom captures your unwavering attention at this stage.  Silence and nothing actually speak loudest without the use of words.  Notice what is real and to whom.  Listen to that which has no name, revealing itself as ever-present.  Let go of what is not you.  Be still.  Feel the nature of balance.  Sense underlying meaning in all questions.

"You can only lose what you cling to." -Buddha


The Power of Words

Notice the power of words.  They point to that which cannot be named.  Be aware of the nature of the words you use and the emotions behind them.  Taking resposibility for life is easier and more straightforward than the mind would have you believe.  The words cannot be you because you exist to give them life, perceive and hear them.

Consider that as you grow aware of your choices of words and the intentions behind them, you have the power to stop using words that do not serve the highest being.  Be mindful.  Listen to your words.  What do they reveal? Watch what happens as you stop using words outgrown.  Your external world transforms.  What do you choose to see?  

Are your words empowering or disempowering? What do they say about optimism or pessimism? Is it your tendency to use the present tense or do use more past and future tenses? Which words reveal who you truly are and which words reinforce what you are not? Notice how your words influence the word choices and life perspective of others.  You are powerful beyond measure.  Every word you utter is a silent pointer.

Join us on Aware Talk Radio with Steven L. Hairfield (The American Monk) and Jeoff Hutcherson on Wed Nov 2 (or Thurs Nov 3 depending on your time-zone) when we explore this subject.  You can also listen to show archives.

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." - Buddha

"Prayers and mantras show us how to express thoughts which are most noble, which are completely beneficial, pure, and good... these activities sow the seeds for good and right things in our mind which will become the basis for the expression of what will benefit ourselves and others." -Thrangu Rinpoche


Dig deeper and see what remains

Notice what occurs as you investigate who is the doer of your apparent actions. Reflect on the process, perceptions and the unfolding. Observe how much real control you have over each step. Discover 'Who' wants to know. What is the truth about the 'me' and the 'I' ?  Notice the impact on any spiritual seeking.  What reveals itself?

Consider the implications of concluding no individual is responsible for any action. This basic concept echoes in the Advaita. What if every moment, what unfolds is viewed as the prevailing will of God or Source or Cosmic Law? Where does this leave 'you'?

"Understand that the body Is merely the foam of a wave, The shadow of a shadow."
- Buddha