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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in blessings (18)


3 Tips to take life as it comes

Life is uncertain, no matter how much planning you think you can do.  Unexpected happenings, people acting out of what you think is normal character, may seem to be in your face more and more often. Maybe your phone stops working, some other technology breaks down, you are unable to receive or respond to messages, or lights go on and off mysteriously in your presence.  

Upon closer look, mere coincidence is changng to increasing glimpses of ever-present synchronicities. In light of such strange or unusual occurrences, you may ask who is really in control here and what  is the message you are giving yourself? Take these three tips to accept life as it comes;

1) Remember permanence is illusion. 

Humans are taught to create a  sense of lasting security and stability when all that is predictable is change.

2) Laugh more often to keep your sanity

Every laugh is a mystery bubbling to the surface to reveal itself in decipherable terms. When you can see things from a more objective or removed vantage point, everything looks different than when taking things personally. Notice a shift in or new sense of normal.  Every unfolding, every encounter is a pointer to you, the source creating every situation as a springboard to expand into more.

3) Focus on what you are gaining, what is working or being revealed.

 Humans are conditioned to focus on what they seem to be losing or not getting and focret point of attention detemines perception and experience. The same energy can be felt as disappointment/fear or reason for excitement.


Take Everything in Stride

Events that are unfolding in your life invite you to take everything in stride. From the highest point of view, all that you experience is created by you for your greatest good.  That is, everything you encounter can be viewed as an opportunity to expand into more of your unrecognized genius.

Watch what happens as you find something to love wherever you are.  Situations arise because you are ready to notice. You ultimately invite them into your scope because you are ready for lessons, ready to integrate wisdom that is offered. Taking everything in stride is being willing to see everythig that presents as a blessing in disguise. Remove the mask.

Where can you identify blessings in your life today? 


Appreciate the little things

Whatever situations are unfolding in your life, you choose where to focus your attention.  You decide how to interpret your unique  experiences, whether you get something meaningful out of each stage of your life journey.  Notice the true nature of any restlessness you feel.  Why find anything wrong where you are, doing what you do? Be creative.  Love something about where you are now. 

Notice your conditioned ways of thinking.  Notice whether you focus on thoughts that trigger sadness, joy or evoke other emotions like anger and fear.  Notice when you focus on gratitude or allow discomfort or dissatisfaction to cloud your focus.

This said, you can always renew appreciation for 'the little things.'   This brings clarity. They may be people, aspects of nature or the environment, conditions or anything that uplifts your spirit. Notice whether you view the glass of life as half full, half empty, or as something else. What happens as you are kind to yourself and show kindness to others? The sun always shines.  You see, you take it with you wherever you go.

Take a few moments to reflect on little things that  bring joy.  What stands out? Share your perspective of 'the little things' that truly make life feel worthwhile.

"It is good to appreciate that life is now. Whatever it offers, little or much, life is now - this day - this hour."  - Charles Macomb Flandrau

"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall


Celebrate yourself


Ever notice how often you celebrate events and people around you? Conditioning invites you to recognize particular days of a calendar year.  This offers reasons to experience intermittent joy based on the external world.  What about the rest of the time? Why not now and forever?

Notice how often you actually celebrate yourself.  What does this feel like? How do you savour the moment and appreciate life? Know you are always worth celebrating.  You need no reason to appreciate and accept the priceless gift of existence. The holiday season comes and goes but you are here in the now.  Be aware of priceless lessons and opportunities to recognize your blessings.

"Celebrate what you want to see more of." - Tom Peters

Laugh at yourself

Notice the nature of conflict that arises within about your ideas and perceptions. Where does this opposition come from? What is the fear you feel really telling you? Notice the humour in realizing you disagree with yourself.  Emotions convey an inner dialogue.

You think you know what life and fulfillment are, and then you change your mind. You want something, yet then you realize this thing does not embody the love, happiness or solution you are after. You think you are dissatisfied about where you are and yet, upon reflection, you are really not. What happens as it grows apparent the ego mind fears getting, having and being all that it tells you to pursue? Why take life so seriously? Notice what occurs as you shift focus, take everything lightly.  Blessings smile back.