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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in blessings (18)


Find blessings everywhere

Blessings are found where you choose. Thinking and feeling are choices. To recognize this is extremely empowering. Whenever conditioned impulse is negative, its useful to learn to shift focus to the positive. Remind yourself of benefits in the moment to reframe and dissolve negative energy;

Illness. Mental and physical suffering help draw attention to choices that do not serve you. As you grow more aware of what you do and why, you can choose to take more responsibility for your life. As you shift thoughts, feelings, and habits, your views of healthy and unhealthy evolve and facilitate healing.

Emotion. Discomfort alters the natural flow of energy.  This reveals a valuable gauge to reorient purpose and direction. Negative energy draws attention to different energy effects you control within. Emotion creates energy waves or vibration fluctuations.  They complicate things unnecessarily or act as signposts to suggest you alter behaviour.  Each stage offers opportuntities for deeper learning.

Attachment.  Each situation that arises can be viewed as a help or a hindrance to self-growth.  A material focus invites you to rediscover the power and perspective to be regained through detachment. The human mind oscillates between examples of duality like good and bad until you transcend judgment.

Disorder. To sense conflict with the ego mind means you realize this is not the real you.  Raising self-awareness sets up conditions that enable you to do what is required to create balance and order. As you redefine what it means to be ‘in sync’ or in harmony with soul, this stimulates creative energy.

Selfishness. This is an opportunity to explore the notion of selflessness and facets of altruism. To believe the non-ego state of being is associated with inner peace encourages exploring that path. To recognize what you are not doing may serve as the actual stimulus to do it.

Difficult people.  Anything you view as a problem actually mirrors things you deny or reject inside. Perceived enemies or troublemakers exist to draw your attention to parts of yourself that require work. As you choose to love and forgive individuals who seem to disrupt your life, you begin to realize that if it was not for them, you would remain in a coma about what matters.  

Nightmares. Heightened states of awareness exist at unconscious and deeper levels. The body and mind employ strategies to bring thoughts and feelings to the surface when a soul is ready to evolve.  Your most influential guides engage energy at superconscious and subatomic levels.  The illusion of time progression is created in physcial worlds so souls evolve to gauge their own spiritual awareness.


6 Ways to feel good where you are

How often are you tempted to assume the worst? You see someone approaching and assume you must be in trouble or, hear about a forecast storm and already imagine accidents and fatalities, or being unable to get to work. Someone ill you know may be resigned to a negative outcome.  What about you?

When an event unfolds, does it suddenly evoke discomfort? Does your mind wander to thoughts that spiral out of control? If this reminds you of someone, these ideas are worth sharing. Consider six ways to feel good about your present conditions;

1) Realize choices exist. People can decide to feel happy for no particular reason just as they can choose to get upset or depressed about being where they are not. You live the life you imagine into being. To realize you exert power over your thoughts changes everything. No outcome is carved in stone.

2) Seek beyond the obvious.  The sleuth in you already knows blessings are found in not getting a particular job, being overlooked for a promotion, rejected for a training program or whatever prevents you from realizing a goal.  Not getting what your conscious mind thought you wanted brings you closer to what you are meant to be doing now. Events enable you to reframe experiences and stretch your mind. 

3) Transcend emotions. Whenever you permit emotions to control you other than love and compassion, you are being distracted by something irrelevant to the bigger picture.  That is, fear, doubt, anger, frustration and the like, are based on misunderstanding. Simply shift focus.  Deeper messages are conveyed. Choose to look inside self to find what you need.

4) Address limits of human perception.  As you evolve, you grasp human beings do not perceive everything that is happening.  Many more events are unfolding than the human mind registers and understands in human terms.  Knowing this, you begin to see it makes sense not to jump to foregone conclusions related to fragments of reality you discern.

5) Every possibility already exists.  All knowledge, all discoveries, all mindsets, all verdicts and creations, are dormant energy waiting to be summoned by the human mind.  They exist in a formless realm until someone thinks them into form.  You draw from the universal mind by raising your awareness of it. Dr John Hagelin says, "All you have to do is hold your mind on the end result and imagine it filling a need, and you call it into being.  As you ask, feel and believe, you will receive." Love is always the answer to every question.

6) Accept you get what you need.  Views of needs that stem from ego are superficial and misguided. To believe you want something may in fact overlook what kinds of life experiences you truly require.  As you evolve to view each experience as a test of resilience, resourcefulness and wisdom, you gain more far from your own silence and self-reflection.


How do you involve your guardian angels?

No matter what you do today, it makes sense to reflect on how you involve your guardian angels.  What's that?  You don't know?  You're not sure if you noticed them or they, you? Is that a conscious choice or a lack of awareness of what's really happening in your life?

1) Did you encounter green circulation lights or bypass a car accident today?

2) Was a vacant parking space calling out to you?

3) Has your overworked computer churned out another document without a hitch?

4) Did a stranger do something kind for you then, disappear?

5) Were you able to get up at all, with minimal pain and discomfort?

6) What about that close call where you nearly lost something you cherish?

Listen to yourself. Whenever you use words like, "coincidence", "blessings" or "luck," this can also be a sign of heavenly intervention. Notice which situations in your own life remind you that you're not alone. Ponder experiences that strenghten your inner resolve, resilience, nurture your faith or prompt you to trust in what you cannot see.

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