Reflect on what sustains you

When the mind is busy, many people think they require particular food and drink and a variety of specific things. The mind prompts you to fear what is or could soon be missing. Consider what you believe you need to exist and how beliefs shape your experience. As you quiet the mind and body, you begin to notice an omniscient observer that exists beyond mind and discerns what mind in unable to see.
As you reflect earnestly on what sustains you, then you grow aware this involves something other than perceived conditions, relationships, adrenalin or emotions of the moment, or even conditioned lifestyles or taste preferences. How does all this invite you to recall the unshakable truth? What is the common thread in it all? Which thoughts remind you to love unconditionally and awaken more fully?
Every moment, you remember steps to master who you are. Why choose to be mindful? The wise direct the mind to observe feelings in feelings, to live in serenity and joy. To be aware is to discern the true meaning of how it feels to be 'here and now,' beyond that, or lingering 'in-between.' As you remember the path to self-mastery, you experience why you exist. This is one way you Transform your life.