Choose to remember

At a given moment, the conscious mind is selectively aware and selectively forgets. You either choose to remember certain things or not. Reflect on the reasons you would offer for choosing to remain selectively ignorant or oblivious to certain aspects of self, or certain life experiences. How does this serve you? What insight do you gain? Why is this meaningful? Notice the feelings that emerge or surface.
Every choice has more than one purpose; those of which you grow aware and those from which you hide. The curious thing is the mind witholds nothing from soul. There are no such secrets. Soul is the omnicient watcher that knows the physical you is in process of raising awareness of unfounded fear. You graduallyawaken to what you are conditioned to think and feel, why you permit mind to convince you of lacks, imbalances or inequalities. These are all illusions. Explore the frightened parts of your personality. See the real you as it is.
Its all part of the process of Self-Disclosure. As you consciously awaken and choose to create changes from within, you notice degrees of cosmic synchronicity and realize you also have unlimited options to Transform Your Life.