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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Be aware of the motives

An ancient saying reminds us that three things can never be taken back-- a shot arrow, a spoken word and a lost opportunity.  Be aware it is not the actions that matter but the motive's behind one's actions.  Choose to be the best possible version of who you are and you go beyond mere skills to draw from heart and soul. How does your perspective expand as you sense love is the underlying motive for everything? This increasing self-awareness reveals how you actually transform your life without thinking, but by simply being.

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Reader Comments (3)

Hi Liara,

Is there a such thing as a "lost opportunity?" Some would perceive life as one big opportunity. Nothing is lost. Nothing wasted. Everything is as it is, a group of micro seconds converging into soul journeys.
June 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, as you intuit, many perspectives exist about the notion of opportunities. One view is that unlimited opportunities exist and even those which seem to come and go always come around again. Signs of awakening present every moment in us all. Some people only frame their experience in terms of five conditioned senses. Other people begin to discern an emerging, multi-sensory nature. Not everyone encounters this at the same time and rate. The intellect does not enable people to grasp or articulate their new perceptions.

Another point is some people do not feel they truly experience success or peace in the external world until they also grow aware and explore how to work through inner conflict. To notice the nature of perception and see through one's own conditioning allows one to move freely and appreciate new dimensions of experience. Everything is indeed as it is though beliefs block the totality of what is.
June 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi LIara .. the ancient saying is interesting .. and your point about the motive being behind my actions. I can see choosing to be the best possible and be at peace with that will let love in. Being aware of self is transforming life .. and one day will do without thinking, but by simply being. Thank you - Hilary
June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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