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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Be the real thing

To be 'the real thing' is to be here now, focused entirely in the present moment.  How does this kind of attention impact on you?  What happens to the mind and its influence on your life as thoughts cease? As you feel this moment, how do you move?

When you ask how to be present, the mind tricks you into focusing on the future.  The present already exists and passes during your inquiry.  Notice how the mind creates visions of dreams and prompts you to assume they are merely a future possibility.  What happens as there is no more motive or seeking? What remains speaks for itself.


Liberate consciousness

You only know how to ask for love as you were given or not given love as a child.  Whatever your experience, you only ask for love through how mind interprets that, through a conditioned lens, until you see through your own patterns and recognize love is what you are.  You need love to survive and without it, you do not exist.  It is validating on different levels.  To liberate consciousness is to move through all the layers that block you from reconnecting with the heart and its timeless, universal wisdom. Love unconditionally and you hear, see, speak and feel no evil.  One is love and only sees through that lens. Be aware of all you do and are now.


See what is 

To see what is, is to see through the layers of the mind that prevent seeing with the heart.  One knows limitless being and free flow.  Yet, the mind would have you imagine and focus on limitation.  Many influences keep attention focused on what is not.  When you are driven by personal attention and gain, you miss more than subtle nuances.

The natural state of being carries no message.  It is like space without memory, without beliefs and attitudes. Nobody is being silent.  Time is unaccounted for.  Recognition of an unbroken flow is objective seeing. Actions unfold without you.  What is does not change only your perception and acceptance of what has always been. It senses the effortless presence that is available to you when your eyes are open to it.


See beyond words

You may get confused about your perceived conditions.  Wonder why your state does not seem to be changing or improving? You may ask why you think you are sick and not be consciously aware you constantly talk about imbalance, pain, suffering or discomfort. You may complain about some condition or relationship in your life and not realize the negative thoughts and nature of your words keep you from seeing or living anything beyond them.

Words are powerful. How deeply do you allow words and their vibrations to travel through you? What is the impact on your state of mind? To what degree do words trigger emotional reactions in you? How tightly or loosely do you adopt context as explaining who you are?

Feel the nature of words you use. Notice whetehr they reinforce things that enable yo uto feel good or feel frustrated or negative. Notice how words gain meaning for you. Notice using any kind of language creates a sense of separation. The mind understands words compare, distinguish and describe. Silence also speaks. Notice what expresses itself through you. 

In truth, nothing words describe is you.  He who allows himself to see beyond words senses deeper. All-knowing is always accessible beyond words.  Moving beyond self-imposed limitation and fear beings you to merge with love that is. This is pure freedom that speaks for itself.  Words do not do cosmic truth justice.


Love brings it up

Unconditional love speaks through everything. It also draws attention to anything that is not love. Notice which relationships, emotions and situations stand out for you.  To step back and digest this empowers you to shift your focus and experience infinity. Love brings to the surface and makes conscious the fear that hides. Love invites you to recognize patterns, false defenses and heal wounds imagined into being. In truth, one is forever perfect, divine, unlimited and constantly expanding into more. Love it!