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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in attention (44)


Appreciate the little things

Whatever situations are unfolding in your life, you choose where to focus your attention.  You decide how to interpret your unique  experiences, whether you get something meaningful out of each stage of your life journey.  Notice the true nature of any restlessness you feel.  Why find anything wrong where you are, doing what you do? Be creative.  Love something about where you are now. 

Notice your conditioned ways of thinking.  Notice whether you focus on thoughts that trigger sadness, joy or evoke other emotions like anger and fear.  Notice when you focus on gratitude or allow discomfort or dissatisfaction to cloud your focus.

This said, you can always renew appreciation for 'the little things.'   This brings clarity. They may be people, aspects of nature or the environment, conditions or anything that uplifts your spirit. Notice whether you view the glass of life as half full, half empty, or as something else. What happens as you are kind to yourself and show kindness to others? The sun always shines.  You see, you take it with you wherever you go.

Take a few moments to reflect on little things that  bring joy.  What stands out? Share your perspective of 'the little things' that truly make life feel worthwhile.

"It is good to appreciate that life is now. Whatever it offers, little or much, life is now - this day - this hour."  - Charles Macomb Flandrau

"None of us has gotten where we are solely by pulling ourselves up from our own bootstraps. We got here because somebody bent down and helped us." - Thurgood Marshall


Invest something new in yourself

Watch what happens as you invest something new in yourself.  You grow more conscious and focused.  You feel energized, self-directed, and also guided by feelings you may not have noticed before.  Such sensations can arise as you attend a seminar or take steps to be true to yourself. 

Perhaps you nurture a dream to join the Australian Masters or wish to remain high in the ranks.  Allow dreams to bring out the best in you.  Amateur or professional sports are teachers just like all other experience.  You gain out of life in proportion to what you put into self-growth.

The power of intention is not something you buy.  Yet, its value is measured by the joy you feel at any given moment, related to particular life choices. You know what feels right in the heart.  Do you use and heed this inner guidance to determine how you spend your time or, where to shift your attention?

Watch what happens as you choose to be more receptive to perceived opportunities and how you can run with them.  Everything in your world is always inviting you to help yourself and to serve others.   Now is the moment for clarity.  Notice how you feel about your apparent prioirities.  Read your vibes.

"Once in a while, you have to take a break and visit yourself." -Audrey Giorgi


Notice what you overlook

Every moment, your conscious attention and selective awareness leave things out. You focus on limited dimensions of experience. The mind has you believe in a limited nature of reality. Events that shape your life are simply levels of magnification absorbed through physical senses. This ignores infinite levels of interconnected sound, vibration and frequency that are ever-present. Mind only detects what it is ready and willing to accept. What you do not see or hear, i.e., the silence, is as meaningful as what you do

Notice what you choose to overlook.  Notice the thoughts and beliefs that selectively block degrees of seeing.  Underneath the layers of reality you choose to experience, exist infinite layers of awareness and points of view.  Notice what you lose sight of and who is forever present, noticing what is apparently left out but always here.  Be that.

"It's a matter of seeing the original meaning of all things. The world is full of all kinds of meanings. But our minds are so fettered by the lies and falsehoods they make for themselves, that they cannot see the beauty, goodness, or truth of those meanings. Only a mind that has become free can see such things..."
- Yi Mun Yol


Stop waiting & truly see

Notice how you hijack your own attention and in doing so, drain your energy.  When you believe you have to wait for something to change, your focus cannot be fully in this now.  What happens from the moment you recognize your mind only ever thinks it has to catch up with an imagined vision of a balanced and fulfilled state of being? 

Notice how easy it is to get caught in webs of thought that invite you to re-examine, set goals, focus on waiting for events to happen, or or get somewhere. Notice it is never too late to shift focus.  Ease into the state of being forever present. You are this gift.

From the moment you shift your complete attention to this moment, notice what happens.  Something and nothing is waiting.  You have the impression you move from 'here to here.'  Thinking stops.  Sensations are unleashed and then revelations unfold faster than the speed of light, time and space.  Where is everybody?  As you see and recognize yourself as it is, things are no longer as they appear. True nature of everything is equal and revealing itself every instant to anyone ready and willing to see.

"Whatever you bring into this aware nothingness, whatever presents itself, frees itself." -Adyashanti


5 Tips to notice nothing and everything

Many people know what its like to think a lot, to feel restless and even torn between perceived options. You can be sitting somewhere and feeling tension about doing or not doing.  You may ask how to make this stop, even wonder how to liberate the mind.  Consider these five tips to notice nothing and everything that matters;

1. Pay closer attention- rather than give in to ignoring the situation or listening to your desire to escape, notice this invitation to recognize something the body is telling you about yourself.  What is the underlying reason for your self-doubt, fear or contemplative behaviour? Consider imbalance or negativity invite shift of attention.

2. Notice what you say to yourself- your word choices reveal a lot about self-worth and self-acceptance.  Consider the mind does not know you as well as it leads you to believe. It distracts you from core instincts and inner knowing by creating beliefs that make you think you are less than you are.  See the ego agenda for what it is.

3. Feel the nature of the situation- the experience perceived by the mind with its attitudes and sense of history has nothing to do with feeling reality. You experience what you think about.  So, if you wish to change a situation, begin by shifting what you see in it.  Listen to your intuition. What does this feel like? How can it help you?

4. Let go of struggle- the more you struggle, the more limited your awarenes and heavier you feel.  As tenstion mounts, emotional reactions also tend to get out of control. Frustration and self-criticism distort what other parts of you discern with clarity.  As you let go of struggle, you discover nothing to struggle about.

5. Assume nothing is missing- the reference for what is real is in the mind and emotions until your sense of what's real arises from the ground of being. From this point, the reference for how you function shifts. Only the fear-based mind notices anything is missing. The soul only knows perfection, love and acceptance now. Consider what is conditioned and innate and how it feels to let go of what you outgrow.

"Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing."
-Torquato Tasso