Entries in acceptance (117)
10 core job motivations often missed
Everything is synchronicity. You may tell yourself you are searching for something but cannot yet identify what this is. Every relationship and role invites you to grow aware of unique gifts and how you can use them to stretch yourself and enrich others in new ways.
Notice western society teaches we need to work to survive materially, but motivations for job choices and job changes are not what they appear. To feel discomfort or restlessness invites you to look deeper to make the unseen conscious. Everything invites you to listen to your feelings.
As it happens, jobs or careers that appeal to you are pointing not so much to your strengths and weaknesses as society has you believe, but to the origin of your misplaced beliefs about love so you heal and let these go. One fundamental life lesson is to love and accept yourself as you are. You know this is happening as you sense a balanced exchange in time and effort you put in with what you receive in return.
All your behaviours reveal your relationship to love but you are unaware until you recognize the signs and heal what is revealing itself. Consider 10 core job motivations often missed that show us how we interpret love.
Listen to yourself. What motivates you to do the job you currently do?
1. to be helpful and caring
( this could point to unconscious people- pleasing behavior, confused boundaries, conflict avoidance)
2. to be strong and in control
(underlying belief that love=being in control, hiding feelings, keeping emotional distance)
3. to be unique and different
(underlying belief that love/ peer acceptance comes via non-conformism)
4. to be orderly and structured
(underlying belief that love comes through careful planning)
5. to maintain peace and calm
(underlying belief that love= keeping peace / mediating conflict)
6. to be impressive and attractive
(underlying belief that love= achievement, approval seeking)
7. to be knowledgeable
(underlying belief that love = intellectual/ accumulating information)
8. to be fun and entertaining
(underlying belief that love=comes when you are only funny/ hide negative feelings)
9. to be secure and safe
(underlying belief that love=security)
10. to be perfectionistic
(underlying belief that love must be earned through relentless effort)
5 Tips to shift gears
If you hold a vision and it is not entering your life experience fast enough, then its the perfect moment to shift gears. Ponder these five tips;
1) Recognize you do not want what you think but the feeling of having it/ being here
The underlying message is to focus on the feelings you imagine are evoked by the envisioned experience. This is about shifting focus and energy from separation (how to get it or make it happen), to unity (how it feels to be in this place or to experience something right now).
2) Accept time is an obstacle you create you close the imaginary gap
Dreams are realized instantly in the inner realm. You are already 'here'. You imagine someone and are instantly with them, imagine going to a place and imagine the jouney unfolding. Allowing an experience to enter your awareness involves consistently acting as if no gap or timelag exists.
3) Talk as If
Its important talk as if you are already doing something to make it more real. Speak about it in the present tense and often. This aligns you with the specific dream vibration and allows it to take shape into your experience.
4) See everything as energy first
From the moment you see everything as energy, frequency and vibration, you shift from believing something is possible to knowing its already happening. This shifts your energy from separation to being a living example your vision.As the vibration of acceptance, worthiness and love take over, this is energetic, heartfelt living. When you only see one flow of energy, situations enter your scope faster. This is an exercise in letting go of separation.
5) Let the universe determine the details
The universe can deliver your dreams in infinite ways. It may be easier and quicker for your dream to come in a way you’ve never considered. The what always comes before the how is important to remember. The how is not up to you. Simply allow yourself to feel the way into the perfect circumstances. The universe does the rest.
7 Clues you are where you are meant to be
View the world is a mirror
Watch what happens as you view the world in your scope as a mirror. That is, every encounter and experience is reflecting the state of your relationship with yourself. To encounter conflict, judgement, rejection or anything other than kindness and compassion is revealing you do not yet accept all of you. Every experience is a sounding board. Notice whether you laugh out of a sense of discomfort or you feel joy and expansion about all that is unfolding. Notice whether you are ready to see lessons you are creating for yourself. Whatever the setting, the key lesson is the same: Love unconditionally