5 Tips to feel more energized

When feeling drained, you are taught to seek new sources of energy and new ways of generating energy. It is common to exeriment with food and reduce or eliminate certain items from your diet. It is also common to focus attention on activities to build physical endurance, stamina and dexterity and to stop doing what makes you feel heavy, tired and unmotivated. All approaches have their place. Yet, what if you could access more energy instantly? Consider 5 tips to feel more energized:
1. Accept things as they are
When you accept something as it is, your ability to change the situation changes. Whatever you accept in this moment, you are free and your aliveness blossoms. From the moment you see your responsibility is limitless, you accept everything the way it is. Whenever you deny responsibility at any level, you deny the way things really are. Conscious or unconscious denial is a form of resistance and both are draining.
2. Let go of enslavement
When you react to something, you are enslaved to that. When you get angry, that to which you direct your anger is in control of you. The basis of creation is acceptance otherwise you are a series of reactions. Reactions are draining physically, emotionally and mentally. Being a calm observer balances and stabilizes your energy levels.
3. Be aware of mental creation
Action is about the next moment. Previous moment is about what appears to have passed. You can only think about past and future. Yet, your whole experience of life is always in this moment. Any other moment is imagination. Thinking about past and future is not a problem. The problem arises when this moment is forgotten. The next moment is not inevitable. Mind does not know future. Mind takes its understanding of past and reshapes it. Focusing on a future implies you only see it as a repetition of the past. This is draining.
4. Be in this moment
Being in this moment is tapping into the unlimited power house. Living in the moment is not the same as living for the moment. Living for the moment is the pleasure-seeker's life. The feeling of 'not-enough' or dissatisfaction is draining. This is the reason for constant seeking of new sorts of plaeasure. Living in the moment is not something you have to tell yourself. Simply sense the next moment is full of unlimited possibilities.
5. Be authentic
Ever notice that when you are not true to yourself, when you do not heed intuition, life feels draining? Being authentic is like a direct connection with the source power of your core. It enables you to tap into untapped energy, unlimited source of inspiration, confidence and fearlessness. The more you are true to yourself, the more enthusiasm and energy flow. When you are in the logic of your head, everything seems to take effort.
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