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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in yoga (32)


Align with 12 Universal Laws


Many ancient cultures suggest true success and fulfillment relate to living according to 12 Universal Laws. Hermes (Thoth) known for ancient Egyptian Hermetics narrow this down to 7 Universal Principles.   The ancient Hawaii Ho'oponopono meditation for freedom and other cultures embody these Laws. They echo life is mastered as we align with love and joy.

Consider where they reonate or not and how they could serve to guide your life in new directions:


1. Law of Divine Oneness


  • "How can I show more compassion and acceptance?"
  • "What would love do?”
  • "Why/How would the highest version of me respond?"


2. Law of Vibration 


  • "Why are my dreams not happening or being realized?
  • "How can I align my thoughts and feelings to manifets more authentically?"
  • "What are effective ways to elevate my frequency/ vibration?"


3. Law of Correspondence 


  •  "As above, so below. As within, so without."
  • "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven."
  •  "It's happening for you, not to you. 
  • "A chaotic and fearful life echoes chaos and fear within. A calm and grounded life, echoes peace within."


4. Law of Attraction


  •  "Like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. 
  • "Congruence or aligned beliefs are needed to obtain/ manifest what is envisaged."
  • (Similar to Law of Vibes)  "Attraction is based on vibration"
  • "Give love to receive love " (otherwise you send universe a message about your priorities."  
  • "When we focus on what we want versus what we don't want, it will show up in our life,


5. Law of Inspired Action


  • "Follow intuition/ listen to inner guidance"  
  •  "Let go of control of outcomes and be open to all possibilities"
  • "Where in life are we evolving/ flowing/ realizing dreams differently"


6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy


  • "Energy is strengthened/ transmuted or depleted based on intention"
  • "see the power of positive thought"
  • Actively uplift negative energy/ create opposites"


7. Law of Cause and Effect


  •  "effects are not always instantaneous"
  • "every action will have an equal and opposite reaction" 
  • "The vibration of our every action has a ripple effect- anger leads to suffering"


8. Law of Compensation


  • Visualize the value of energy exchange 
  • "You reap what you sow"
  • "Where am I being called to serve and support others today?" 
9. Law of Relativity



  • In reality, everything is neutral
  • Relativism exists in all things (meaning comes down to our perspective and perception)
  • Appreciate what we have without comparison


10. Law of Polarity


  • Every polarity points to power of neautrality / balance
  • "contrast brings more clarity " 
  • "Challenges invite us to feel into a blessing, new perspective or lesson"


11. Law of Rhythm


  • "Integration is just as important as growth"
  •  "Cycles and flows are natural in every life area" 
  • "Inner rhythms shape outer reality"
  •  Feeling depleted? Rest or saying no to some things may be what is required.



12. Law of Gender


  • masculine and feminine energy exists in all things. 
  • Patriarchy oeprates from masculine mentality
  • Authenticity is about creating balance between the divine masculine & divine feminine




Integrating and living from these 12 Universal Laws is more about understanding and visualizing them in the context of our own lives. Apply them in a case-by-case basis and see the difference for yourself directly.



Allow Freedom to Reign

 Notice amazing feelings of freedom wash over us every moment. And yet, conditioned fear cuts us off from this deeper reality. This flow or feeling of release comes and goes. Imagine instances that take your breath away and somehow bring it back. What compels us to ride waves as a surfer, to skate like the wind along the ice, to heel on a sailboat during a fierce storm, to cycle down the mountain or ride the equestrian jumping course of our lives? Perhaps its a glimpse of engagement in some kind flying through air; like hot air ballooning, skydiving, bunji jumping, hang gliding or otherwise merging with air currents that offers a taste of divine grace.

At some stage, through the course of our own direct experience, something arises in conscious awareness. It dawns, we are not simply a fragment of the universe. We are each a universe in and of itself, unfolding, expanding and interacting with others. Simply being here in this moment is enough. Although something prompts us to attempt to recreate the experience. What some would call thrill-seeking, others would call reaching for harmony or inner peace. Any desire to 'get back here' overlooks we never actually leave. Thoughts simply arise to block the truth of awareness.

So, be here now, in this moment. Taste it again, as if for the first time. Allow the wind to dance across the skin, tousle hair. Tune into breath, that which breathes you. Be that which passeth all understanding.


Let go of Attachments

Notice attachment to pleasure, is an obstacle that evokes suffering. We attach ourselves to sources of pleasure because we expect happiness from this, forgetting happiness is always in us as the essence of true Self. To expect joy from the external, from relationships, jobs or other experiences, is to create energetic attachments. If we find these things make us unhappy, we create an aversion to them. Likes and dislikes are impediments on the spiritual path. Basing our happiness and unhappiness on the external makes us feel powerless, dependent and unable to control our destiny. Although happiness seems the basic need of all, why does it seem so few rarely find it and actually dwell here?
Well, just as a pure, clean mirror reflects our true nature beneath and beyond the skin and bones, certain pure, clean faces reflect our core happiness. This is why its saidd the eyes are windows to the soul. We give our power away each time we look away, think a person or situation is reason for our happiness. Other faces and situations evoke discomfort, and our happiness is distorted. So, we tell ourselves we dislike them. This is simply ignorance. Only as we reconnect with core being, go through purification, let go of what distorts true nature do we begin to feel happy at a smiling face because it dawns this reflects our inner radiance. Sri Swami Satchindananda reminds us nothing and nobody an give or take away our happiness, only distort our own timeless inner happiness. This is echoes in the timeless Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Thus, only as we connect deeply with Self is it possible to exude this happines or true nature. Its not based on what we do but being intimate and reconnecting with the truth of who we are. As we grow increasingly fearless, our destiny presents in greater clarity. Its up to each of us to seize the day, and listen to the heart to feel truly alive. Only then do we authentically allow fun and spontaneity to arise and be our compass does soul consciously guide the course of our lives.



Let go of Attachments

Notice attachment to pleasure, is an obstacle that evokes suffering. We attach ourselves to sources of pleasure because we expect happiness from this, forgetting happiness is always in us as the essence of true Self. To expect joy from the external, from relationships, jobs or other experiences, is to create energetic attachments. If we find these things make us unhappy, we create an aversion to them. Likes and dislikes are impediments on the spiritual path. Basing our happiness and unhappiness on the external makes us feel powerless, dependent and unable to control our destiny. Although happiness seems the basic need of all, why does it seem so few rarely find it and actually dwell here?
Well, just as a pure, clean mirror reflects our true nature beneath and beyond the skin and bones, certain pure, clean faces reflect our core happiness. This is why its saidd the eyes are windows to the soul. We give our power away each time we look away, think a person or situation is reason for our happiness. Other faces and situations evoke discomfort, and our happiness is distorted. So, we tell ourselves we dislike them. This is simply ignorance. Only as we reconnect with core being, go through purification, let go of what distorts true nature do we begin to feel happy at a smiling face because it dawns this reflects our inner radiance. Sri Swami Satchindananda reminds us nothing and nobody an give or take away our happiness, only distort our own timeless inner happiness. This is echoes in the timeless Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Thus, only as we connect deeply with Self is it possible to exude this happines or true nature. Its not based on what we do but being intimate and reconnecting with the truth of who we are. As we grow increasingly fearless, our destiny presents in greater clarity. Its up to each of us to seize the day, and listen to the heart to feel truly alive. Only then do we authentically allow fun and spontaneity to arise and be our compass does soul consciously guide the course of our lives.



Yoga frees all that is false

(Visionary art by Ivan Blažetić Šumski)

Notice the process of yoga is freeing everything that is false. The more we engage in soul yoga, the more layers fall away. At some point, it hits we are not the body or the mind, we are consciousness. From the moment it dawns you are pure consciousness that pre-existed before the body and will continue to exist after the death of the body, you enter a very different state of consciousness. This deeper understanding is free from constraints of death, fear of abandonnment, fear of loneliness, all the psychological defenses of the ego that keep us questioning, doubting, seeking. When ready, it dawns the ego is simply a web of defenses around the heart. Ironically, the ego does not know its own heart. The Self that has realized who we are , that One being is completely free of all illusions and projections that created our suffering. To reach self-realisation is to reach a state where no suffering exists. Illusion creates suffering. As one grows aware of, dismantles false beliefs and ideologies, only then can one know what true freedom is. At this point, one must let go of the ego itself. This is necessary because the egoic concept blocks the infinite nature of consciousness. Truth is, only one consciousness exists, not a multiplicity of egos. We have created a holographic world of worlds but we have never left one consciousness. The world we think we know is maya-illusion. Reading about different levels of reality is not the same as direct experience of this. Its the difference between studying electricity and getting electrocuted,( or feeling biocircuits connect and allow cosmic energy to flow). Read as much about lightning as you like. Its not the same as being hit by lightning. Every upheaval in our lives today is a catalyst for awakening soul consciousness and rediscovering true freedom.