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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in vibration (158)


Awaken Energetic Nature

Notice everything unfolding in our midst is inviting us to awaken to the energetic nature of the phenomenal plane and the big picture. Only as we reach a level of insight can consciousness arise out of its limited body vehicle to enter a wider field of awareness and know liberation. The growing institutional, local, national, global market upheavals foreshadow the dissolution of the familiar, many levels of destruction and change, many of which are unfathomable in mind.

Part of the job of yogi, and all who are ready, is to ground self in a state of peace to hold space for the external crumbling of systems and conditioning we have outgrown. Soul is aware no chaos exists at the level of Infinite Self. It is transitioning from one age of human consciousness to another. The old paradigm, old ways of functioning, must fade, dissolve so a higher vibrational state can arise. Only then can the fear of death, loss and duality of our world be recognized as a portal to the birth of a new world free of the kinds of conflicts and illusions that led to this period of transition.

In a nutshell, time is of the essence. We need an extremely direct path to self-love and acceptance. Not much time for pilgrimage walks, ashram stays or reading libraries of books, taking courses. Destruction is happening and the familiar is fading fast. Surrender to love. Stop time travelling between the ears. Ideas of past and future reside only in the mind. They are illusion. Willingly let go of all that has been taught as distraction. Bravely sit to face yourself. 

To graduate from this level of reality, now is the moment to get the spiritual knowledge of the most profound sages of our planetary history. Embody their wisdom. Turn inward. See things as they are. Shapeshifting happens quickly to those who are wholehearted.


Manifest a new timeline

(Image: sacred geometry 792 by Endre Balogh)
Notice as we identify our desired vibrational state, consistently shift into this, we amplify and strengthen it, create a new reality. As we stabiilize a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the emerging reality, we accelerate it coming to be. The first two steps involve our sovereign will. We choose a timeline and matching vibration. The third step is locking in the vibrational state. To do so, we focus on natural capacity. open channels to feel.
This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its reality in ways mind cannot grasp. The next step requires our sovereign will again. We must persevere, hold the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, no matter what our senses echo. This is the passage where many fail.
The manifesting of a new timeline into 3-D reality requires ability to accumulate and hold energy. If we persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, we build up energy. The task here is to be true to our vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing us. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself in our scope while holding a higher vision. In essence, we deal with life's current reality while holding the vision of a different life. Its like existing on one world while simultaneously creating and shifting into another. This is the art.



Shift the Morphogentic Field

Notice the world is going through a decomposition of the false paradigm so we can know who we are from a new point of view. How this is experienced, the pace and timing, is up to each of us. It may be felt as a spiritual unfolding in which one shifts into harmony with a higher vibration. Listening to the heart, acting on intuition, brings more coherence, happiness, even the unspeakable ananda (one of the highest states of being). We become fearless, noble, powerful, filled with unconditional divine joy. Silence sets in and unexpected choices happen. For those who wish to operate like that, in resonance with Source, they must be willing to do what is necessary to align one's own consciousness. Living in integrity requires honesty, authentic, conscious choices. The resulting energy shift is reflected in body-mind, the whole phenomenal plane and morphogenetic field, the pulse of a new baseline for planetary consciousness. The dawn of expanded consciousness is up to each of us: to revitalize, reconnect, and radiate our own inner light.



Access more joy 

Notice for some, joy may seem out of reach or not experienced regularly in daily life. What is your experience of happiness for no reason, that which is embodied, open, energetic, alive? Does anything arise? Were these passing states? Is it just a state you imagine when you feel stressed and seek to get somewhere else? What is required to tap into it as an enduring part of our Being? How often do we celebrate simply Being right where we are, come what may? How often do we sense beauty and tenderness? Aliveness and openness grow more accessible as we open and value the whole of existence. Its like shifting awareness from viewing life as a problem to solve, into seeing life a mystery to experience. Do we feel obligated to feel joy or is it spontaneous? In the same way, to commit to realize full potential, empathize with the suffering to around us makes us feel more connected to our world. It is also part of our commitment to being whole to feel open to loving the world as it is. As we cultivate presence, this natural capacity within each of us, we actually cultivate paths for joy. Being open to light-heartedness happens as we pay attention and cherish all of existence. The quality of life is experienced in proportion to allowing our capacity for delight to guide us. This is a gift we give ourselves as we pay attention. Joy happens. It arises from the simple experiences; jumping into piles of leaves, tuning into the scent of a flower, the wind blowing on our face, a snowflake landing on the tongue, the taste of a strawberry. The experience of joy is so-life giving that it feels natural to find joy in everything from sunrise to sunset and all that unfolds in between.

Sound guides us back to harmony

Notice our original ancestors used sound and light in harmonious healing spheres to bring transformation and information to all surface life beings. Sound transforms and light informs. Each Soul that arrived on Earth had its own musical frequency, and all living beings are still enriched with a core vibration, which often goes undetected. Each note is originally attuned to the music of Gaia, this primordial sound print literally vibrated through every cell of everybody. Its possible to tune in deeply to our soul selves and also hear the sound print or note of each plant, each mineral, tree, animal and human being. This and other natural abilities grow sharper as part of awakening based on alignment of cosmic vibration. The ancient catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis came about through the mis-creation of sound within the Crystals of Gaia. Disharmony still occurs today through the existence of ‘noise’. The noise referred to is created by things like machines, chemical toxicity, electromagnetic interference and negative emotionality. Now is the moment to harmonize the Earth to the great note of the individual, planetary and galactic Soul. Each step we take to live more consciously eases us into harmony with Soul, and we align with the music of the soul of the Earth and Cosmos. This entrains the energy field of all living beings to absorb more light. Thus, any darkness that lies within the cells is seen as it is and the living being is transformed into light. (Art by Lisa J. Winter)