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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in lesson (2)


Trust the natural flow

Notice what happens from the moment you feel everything has a purpose or lesson.  You are in the right place for what you are ready to see.  Notice how it feels to know no wrong place, no mistakes or wrong timing exist. The essence of being sees only perfect timing.  As you trust the natural flow, you never feel the urge to justify anything to anyone.  You stay balanced with the core of what is, that is who you truly are.  Whatever is said about you no longer affects you.  Whatever you perceive is unfolding in external worlds fades. Nothing more can be said, for everything points here, now.

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." - Johann W. von Goethe 


Reframe everything as love 

As events unfold in your life, the ego mind prompts you to interpret in ways that block the message of love.  To reframe, step back from what the ego tells you and consider the frame, or 'lens' through which this reality is being created. Understand the unspoken assumptions, including beliefs.  Consider how your perspective is enriched as you reframe everything as love;

1) View everything as useful lesson. The universe presents energy in such a way as to encourage you to create more loving relationships. This includes learning to view every person with compassion.  Through apparent joy and pain, you actually learn about love from many different sides.  It expands you.  

2) Reach out with understanding. Regardless of the magnitude and nature of experience, faith and non-violence are key. Reacting with fear, sefishness or other negativity, misses the point of why you exist now. Useful growth occurs through facing obstacles.  As one becomes aware, one has occasion to recognize and unlearn undesirable traits.

3) Recognize love as dynamic energy. This is reflected in the flow of giving and receiving.  Unconditional love is here whether you are open to it or not. Love goes beyond what you read. Love is felt by attuning to intuition, opening the senses and permitting all experience to touch the heart and expand you. It is about dissolving fear, feeling the bliss that echos everything and being that.

“A problem can not be solved from the same logical level it was created.” -Albert Einstein