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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in silence (35)


Rush no more

Many people rush through life as they are told the proverbial clock is ticking. Some people notice that acquiring experience and labels to define personal identity loses appeal, even grows meaningless. What happens as you begin to sense no self actually exists? How does it feel to begin to tame the mind?

Something inside echoes nothing has any inherent reality.  Nothing belittles what you have done so far.  The truth is not found through the lens of mind.  Seeking results merely blocks true mind from manifesting.  To reject or accept what arises in a scope of awareness is still action.  Silence and stillness reveal what is.


Remember to see through the self

Ever feel like you are in the presence of someone or something that sees though you? Many people temporarily forget that they are transparent energy and have capacity to see through their conditioned behaviour and motives.  Right now, you are invited to awaken to why you think and feel as you do and discern the treasure hidden within. It is possible to respond to everything above and below, without a sense of past or future.  Notice what leaves you speechless.  As you penetrate the false walls of inner self, you also penetrate all places.  Even now, you grow wise to the nature of self-absorption. Tame the wild forces that prompt you to forget who you are and why you exist.


Free the mind of its grasping

As you realize you can experience the mind free of all the emotional drama and stories, then you awaken to discover the path to be free from all the fear.  The unchanging state of soulful being is with you always.  It is by growing aware of this, that you remember to feel how joy happens inside. Regardless of what the mind perceives to be happening outside, you know the natural simplicity of inner peace.  Reflect on what is truly important.  Sometimes, only being silent allows you to discern and recall ever-present inner wisdom.  Feel it now.  Remember that a true teacher cannot teach you anything .. .all s/he can do is remind you of what, on some level, you already know.


Stuart Wilde & 8 ideas to escape the matrix

To understand energy, emotional calm, zero vibration, nothingness, and pure consciousness, is to grasp the start of expansion.  Ask what you discover about yourself based on how you respond to what is happening outside of you.  People and situations always reveal what we need to learn about self.

Everyone evolves with their power of creation. They become more aware of inner power.   All human beings do not yet align with conscious awareness. Yet, more and more people are awakening to internal shifts. They are detaching from external conditioning and mental programming to realize something else exists other than current belief systems. Move beyond limiting beliefs and align with very different perspectives.

Stuart Wilde is an author and spiritual guide.  He invites every being to awaken, to empower themselves and learn to escape the mental prison which is often called the matrix. As people learn to watch what is happening inside and outside the self, they are in an informed position to decide whether they desire to leave the matrix.  What can you do if you choose to move beyond desires and attachments? Consider 8 ideas to help you escape the matrix of illusions;

1) Be tender, loving, compassionate & forgiving to everyone.

2) Act to expand perception & move beyond familiar senses.

3) Learn to see outside physical worlds & into other worlds.

4) Realize you can release thoughts & feelings you outgrow.

5) Listen to intuition for guidance & harness silent power.

6) Take responsibility for your own consciousness.

7) Sense shamanic writing/ practice as a window into soul.

8) Centre awareness on living now (not dying, past or future).


The essence of being

I recall someone encouraging me to take the stairs if elevators to success seemed out of order.  Now, why is humans are conditioned to desire quick access to those things that seem beyond our reach? What is it that makes us feel we need what we do not seem to have?

As we let go of conditioning and shift to a place of non-judgment, priorities mysteriously change. The same things no longer hold appeal.  What does it feel like to let go of what you think you want? Refreshing? A relief? Open the mind and catch a glimpse of true essence.

One view of success is what the ego views as achievement. It appears out of reach so we think we must do something to get fulfilled. If your goal is a half hour of meditation twice per day, and you complete this, the related good feelings evoke a sense of satisfaction. If you aim to develop greater physical flexibility in yoga positions or, mental aptitude in negotiation, success is still 'results-oriented.' Notice what happens as you discover immeasurable kinds of success also exist.

Consider a talkative person who is known for having ideas spinning in his head all the time.  He may typically know restless sleep because his mind is busy working out solutions to his problems.  Then, as he learns to settle the ripples down, he may experience stillness. To allow silence into your life is to discover you attract different versions of success into your life.

As you quiet the mind, you let go of judgment and mental noise. Explore what silence feels like. A sense of success arises as an innate feeling of acceptance.  Its like doing nothing and everything at once, and loving unconditionally, come what may.  This is the essence of being.

Brace yourself: Be what is innate.  Love is your true nature.  Its not the conditional feeling that you get through relationships that mind would have you believe it is.

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