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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Stuart Wilde & 8 ideas to escape the matrix

To understand energy, emotional calm, zero vibration, nothingness, and pure consciousness, is to grasp the start of expansion.  Ask what you discover about yourself based on how you respond to what is happening outside of you.  People and situations always reveal what we need to learn about self.

Everyone evolves with their power of creation. They become more aware of inner power.   All human beings do not yet align with conscious awareness. Yet, more and more people are awakening to internal shifts. They are detaching from external conditioning and mental programming to realize something else exists other than current belief systems. Move beyond limiting beliefs and align with very different perspectives.

Stuart Wilde is an author and spiritual guide.  He invites every being to awaken, to empower themselves and learn to escape the mental prison which is often called the matrix. As people learn to watch what is happening inside and outside the self, they are in an informed position to decide whether they desire to leave the matrix.  What can you do if you choose to move beyond desires and attachments? Consider 8 ideas to help you escape the matrix of illusions;

1) Be tender, loving, compassionate & forgiving to everyone.

2) Act to expand perception & move beyond familiar senses.

3) Learn to see outside physical worlds & into other worlds.

4) Realize you can release thoughts & feelings you outgrow.

5) Listen to intuition for guidance & harness silent power.

6) Take responsibility for your own consciousness.

7) Sense shamanic writing/ practice as a window into soul.

8) Centre awareness on living now (not dying, past or future).

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Reader Comments (4)

"Creating something out of nothing" is a phrase I often use to describe the purpose of being an artist- In your article, you seem to be applying this to the conscious mind- It is very tough to keep the conscious positive with so many pressures to survive during day to day situations.
October 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSnaggleTooth
Snaggletooth, when you nurture the belief something is hard, what you are doing is inviting or attracting the conditions to confirm the belief. Every thought has energy vibration. The phrase you mention has many levels of significance. One perspective is the universe and everything you would consciously describe as reality has emerged from this void through the vehicle of the mind. As a person awakens to the powerof his thoughts, he also realizes he has the power to change them. Imagine what your existence would be like as you decide what you are doing is easy, that it comes naturally. You would cease to struggle, remember you do not control all events or conditions around you but you do choose how to respond.
October 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
When we ease up our grip on the world around us,
then things we held firmly in place can then begin to wiggle free. They too then envigorate and come alive. Animation and new dance moves decorate the landscapes. By setting free that which we have imprisoned, the deck of cards gets reshuffled and a new round in the game can be played.
October 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter2B
2B, some people sense the opportunity to leave the matrix and transform like moving from unconsciousness to consciousness through love. The ability to shatter illusions or rise above them is determined by the amount of consciousness you embody
October 4, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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