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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in self-growth (12)


Redream a new dream

Dreams guide us through a profound personal and spiritual healing process.  Each one prepares us for the unforeseen, that work that lies ahead.  As we come to recall and document our various dreams and learn to analyze them, we can each quickly learn or rediscover the language of symbolism and metaphors.  They provide a key tool for each of us to harness the power of our dreams for higher guidance. 

As expansion happens, dreaming offers inreasingly valuable insight for spritual growth.  It dawns one can have direct, contact with spiritual guides during dreams and sharpen insight into one's larger journey.  Dreams redefine signs and signals that orient and potentially reorient our journey so we get "back on track" of the Soul.

As in The Law of One, Session 86, Question 7, the source said, "While the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept (oneself), may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magial personality, which is the higher self. "  (see


Grow through 12 Universal Laws

Being aware of the 12 Universal Laws and putting them into practice is part of the process of self-growth. Imagine how growing aware of each law, and putting it into practice, has different impact on your life.

1. Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness highlights core interconnectness. It says that beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to all else.

Imagine how this law can take shape in your experience. What if youshow more compassion and acceptance toward anything that confuses or challeges you. What would love do? How is everything you do guiding you?

2. Law of Vibration

At a base level, verything is energy in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. This applies to matter. This law says that our vibrational frequency offers insights into our life evolution and direction.

For example, you may have a vision to engage in an activity but opportunities or clients appear and fall through. When thoughts, words adn deeds are not aligned, you may be undermining your own efforts unconsciously.  Many techniques exist to raise vibration, be more authentic and true to yourself.

3. Law of Correspondence

This law states that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment. Consider the phrase, 'As above, so below.' 

In another way, everything your experience is a projection of what is unfolding within you.  Any judgements you make about others, any discomfort you feel, is all pointing to work you are invited to do on yourself to grow more accepting and integrate your inner shadow

4. Law of Attraction

This law is often linked to manifesting. It says that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on. Not only that, but you have to believe what you're seeking is possible to obtain. It is similar to the law of vibration in this way; it's important to learn how to vibrate at a level that attracts what you're seeking.

To think you want one thing but behaviour differently, sends a confusing message to the universe.  Being consistent is the key. Using conscious intention is a mindful practice that helps.  Also growing aware of thought, words and actions is just as important as making the uncosncious, conscious so you can send a more convincing message to the universe. 

5. Law of Inspired Action

Closely related to the law of attraction, the law of inspired action is all about taking those real, actionable steps to invite what we want into our lives. Often the inspiration comes from within. 

Applying this law is all about paying closer attention, tuning in, and creating space for inner guidance. 

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that on an energetic level, everything in the universe is constantly evolving or fluctuating. Every action is preceded by a thought, with thoughts themselves having the power to eventually manifest in our physical reality.

Everything you  encounter has an energy signature and is interacting with you energetically. Negative people or heavy environments may tire you out or deplete you. being around inspiring people uplifts your energy. Higher frequencies transmute lower ones when applied with intention. This in mind, as we get in touch with our own energy vibration and let go of what we outgrow, this allows us to have a more uplifting energetic impact on the whole.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

This law highlights the direct relation between actions and events. What's important to note here, according to Kumar, is we often can't see the effects right away, but they will come back around.

Another way to view this law is as the ripple effect. Everything you think, feel and do sends a ripple into the energetic universe much like aflat rock you skip on the surface of a body of water. Imagine the conscious impact you could create by recognizing that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Everything you do has consequences that play out, some you can envision, and others you may not.

8. Law of Compensation

The law of compensation relates closely to the law of attraction and the law of correspondence. "You reap what you sow" is the main take-away, with the law stating your efforts will always come back to you positively. Contributing to a goal allows the universe to work with you to achieve it.

To apply this law, meditate on service and what or where you are called to share or give back from yourself. For example, one woman decided to prioritie her physical and mental well-being and booked herself into a health retreat. She committed time, energy, money to workng on better nutrition, fitness and and therapy for mental issues. Her life outside the retreat had fallen apart. "Out of the blue" friends she had not seen in over a year learned she was there, offered to visit, and after learning of her situation, offered her new accommodation and a job for when she left.  The universe responds to energy and intention you send out.

9. Law of Relativity

This law suggests that we are inclined to compare things in our world, but in reality, everything is neutral. Relativism exists in all things, and in the end, meaning comes down to our perspective and perception.

Applying this law can help us understand challenges and see the blessing, gift or lesson they have to offer us. Step back for a moment. Close your eyes. Focus attention on some situation that bothers you. Nlotice feelings arising within you and recognize you are not these feelings.  As you change perspective, and breathing rhythm, the feelings you tune into and attitude you adopt,can change.

10. Law of Polarity

This law says that everything in life has an opposite; good and evil, love and fear, warmth and cold. The key is understanding these are all two sides of the same coin.

What if contrast brings wisdom and clarity? Imagine a situation where you gain new insight into one emotion from the experience of others.  Take note of your inner rhythms and be gentle with yourself. Listen to how you feel and change pace and focus as it dawns what brahviours or choices no longer serve your greatest good.

12. Law of Gender

The law of gender has to do with the masculine and feminine energy of all things. The western world in particular favors or rewards left-brained, patriarchal ways of doing. Reaching balance between masculine and feminine energies can help you live more authentically. 

Imagine you tune into the right hemisphere of your brain, the source of creative inspiration. Where might you be stifling its genius? What if you could engage feeling-based intuitive living and apply heart-mind based ways of living in the flow.  What would this look like? how would it take shape?


7 Tips to achieve individual potential

Everyone has the innate capacity to realize individual potential. This can include transcendent moments of joy or peak experiences, in the many unique ways they take shape. While prolonging pleasure and minimizing pain may strongly appeal, the path to clarify and live more consistently in a state of joy is not always straight forward for everyone.  Consider these 7 tips;

1.  See everything as a teacher

Being open is about being attentive, recognizing every situation and encounter is a teacher that offers lessons to help us evolve into more of our unrecognized potential.  The process of growing and developing as a person is different for each of us.   The desire for self- growth arises as physiological needs are met, as basic safety and security are covered, and we sense something more  exists to life.

2. Uncover Talents 

Sometimes teachers, parents, colleagues and your nearest and dearest point your talents out to you.  Even strangers may share their observations and encourage you to move in certain directions. Often you naturally take steps to develop strengths and see where this guides you.  Putting talents to practice shows you what you are made of! 

3. Listen to the heart

The more you listen to your heart, the more you act from a place of love rather than a place of fear.  Acting from a place of love allows you to tune in and act on intuition and notice synchronicities. more of your potential to blossom. Your choices echo what you feel inside. 

3. Identify fears

Part of the human experience involves growing aware of your fears and why they arise. Fears and unconscious shadows are self-limiting.  So long as you do not place yourself or anyone else in harm's way, the best course of action involves facing your fears so you stop believing they define and constrain you.

4. Be unconcerned by external opinion 

Working through what holds you back is about reaching a place where you are unaffected by what people think or say about you. You are no longer motivated by how many likes or followers you get or do not get on social media.  This is about beginning to view yourself as your own authority. It requires you love yourself on a whole new level.

5. Live in integrity

Living in integrity is about being honest with yourself, being impeccable with your word. Taking personal responsibility for how you think and feel and knowing you may not control everything that happens but, you control how you respond.  You decide if you allow emotions and moods to control you or not.

6. Trust in yourself

Trust that your urges to make choices have perfect timing. You may feel inclined to change professional  course or change your entourage.  Whatever changes you feel ready to embrace, they relate to feelings, gut instincts, that are guiding you to let go of what you outgrow and evolve into more untapped potential.  This may involve a shift inside, a changing sense of prioirities, the 

7. Surrender

Let your life shine. Believe in yourself and let go. Tune into the light inside you.  Surrender to those dreams that you feel your way into right now. Step back for a moment. What happens as it hits that your innate potential is not fixed in time or space.  Your limtis are shaped by your beliefs and your level of confidence.


Most people spend their lives reacting to feelings rather than creating with them.

- Neale Donald Walsch


How do you choose to see?

Thoughts and feelings are only some ways you choose to see. At a given moment, especially when you arrive at a perceived crossroads, consider how and what you choose to see;

1) Do you view through eyes of emotion?

2) Do you view from the position of another person?

3) Do you view from the angle of an analytical or logical mind?

4) Do you view through the heart and soul?

5) Do you view things as a judge and jury?

6) Do you sense as an intuitive empath?

7) Do you view things as an altruist? or something else?

8) Do you view everything in perpetual balance?

9) Do you view as a way to better understand and improve?

10) Do you view experience as another dream within a dream?


Reframe everything as love 

As events unfold in your life, the ego mind prompts you to interpret in ways that block the message of love.  To reframe, step back from what the ego tells you and consider the frame, or 'lens' through which this reality is being created. Understand the unspoken assumptions, including beliefs.  Consider how your perspective is enriched as you reframe everything as love;

1) View everything as useful lesson. The universe presents energy in such a way as to encourage you to create more loving relationships. This includes learning to view every person with compassion.  Through apparent joy and pain, you actually learn about love from many different sides.  It expands you.  

2) Reach out with understanding. Regardless of the magnitude and nature of experience, faith and non-violence are key. Reacting with fear, sefishness or other negativity, misses the point of why you exist now. Useful growth occurs through facing obstacles.  As one becomes aware, one has occasion to recognize and unlearn undesirable traits.

3) Recognize love as dynamic energy. This is reflected in the flow of giving and receiving.  Unconditional love is here whether you are open to it or not. Love goes beyond what you read. Love is felt by attuning to intuition, opening the senses and permitting all experience to touch the heart and expand you. It is about dissolving fear, feeling the bliss that echos everything and being that.

“A problem can not be solved from the same logical level it was created.” -Albert Einstein