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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in revelation (20)


Feel as if it exists now

Realize you feel experience into being. This revelation encourages you to allow what triggers joy to guide your choices. Know reality does not change, only your level of conscious acceptance of heightened awareness and perception. As you take responsibility for listening more closely to your intuition, you do only what resonates.  You notice repeated synchronicities and trust more. People fade into and out of your life based on your vibration.  You may interpret this as things you do or no longer have in common.  Only good things and messages of love continue to present for those on this wavelength.  Visualize what you desire to be your life and suddenly, you sense or know reality unfolding as you feel it.  Allow being and be.


Let the meaning disappear

Every moment, the meaning of life as you think about it, is in the process of disappearing. Notice your own tacit revelations and how they unfold.  Awakening in stages may seem like silent realisations, like certain choices and conditions are no longer being energized.  What do you sense is fading in your life? Which circumstances no longer serve you or seem to hold attention? Mind echoes that all is impermanent.


What if you are not what you think?

Consider what you think and feel has being.  What it you conclude you could not possibly be what you think self to be? How does this kind of revelation transform your perception and your life?  What if everyone is right as they are? Things break down to reveal who you are.

Let's say harmony heals all divisions or sense of separation.  The clearer you understand that on the level of mind you understand self in negative terms only, the faster you reconnect with what it means to exist as a limitless being. Heart and spirit remind you what matters.

You cannot be separated from who you are by governments, religions, money, labels, and external anything.  The biggest power is not what you think. Perception evolves according to circumstances.  Every step of awareness is how you choose to Transform your life.


Be the architect of your own life

You may not yet consciously realize it or accept it fully, but you are the architect of your whole life.  This might seem daunting at the same time as a most incredible revelation.   After all, this implies you are in charge of everything you experience.  That includes those things you like and do not like, those things that enable you to feel comfortable and uncomfortable.  Each one is helping you.

Consider the human mind conditions you to goal-set based on perception of the external world.  You are taught what is supposed to feel good, how your body is supposed to function, why you are expected to treat people in a certain way undercertain conditions.  Even ideals are ingrained in your mind about what is perferebale to wear, eat say and do. It all guides your choices and beliefs.  You are awakening to realize how powerful thought energy is.  You are not your values, thoughts or beliefs. You are so much more. 

Take a moment and brainstorm words or things you would choose to describe yourself. You might select words like 'sick' or 'healthy,' 'happy' or discontent,' Notice the judgment and how each word speaks to you. When is the ego-mind speaking and when does your heart feel  and express self-love? Every adjective or descriptive sentence reflects something back about your state of mind as well as your state of being. Each step you take to raise awareness about how you think and feel is how you choose to Transform Your Life


Why do the things you do?

The conscious process grows more apparent as you choose to stop questioning why you have particular experiences. You are finally willing to realize and accept you engage in everything to help your true self. This kind of revelation does not come easily to anyone who prefers the discomfort of resistance.

What if you discern that your fears take shape and form in your life and that physical existence has always been this way?  What if the most recent revelations that raise your self-awareness only seem to be of the most intense importance? What if everything and nothing is of equal relevance?

Deep down, the most upsetting discovery is making new sense of fragments that have always been and never left your side.  You are your own smoking mirror and filled with a new and yet somehow familiar inner joy. You are intrigued, sense you move further into some kind of wonderful that you hesitate to exert effort to define. You simply accept it and recall the feeling of being. This revelation is the most stable thing you know.