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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in matrix (9)


The Code to the Matrix

Now is the perfect moment.  You are ready to access and decode the Matrix that has kept you in fear and suspended animation. You are ready to work through the illusions that keep you in the dark.  Everything you do is your choice.

I invite you to download this free 231 page book called the Code to the Matrix:

Share your comments on the perspectives presented.  Where is time losing relevance? How do you view your paradigm? What if attuning to the right frequency or right knowledge empowers you to expand? What if ideas you are given on human limitations, time, names and density of objects in space and physical reality is all innaccurate?  What if everything taught is irrelevant to what you remember now? What if you are no longer deceived because you experience inter-dimensionality?

Consider that everything you perceive is a fractal.  You sense 3 dimensions or more dimensions based on your level of awareness. There is 4d, 5d and it goes on and on...

If this topic & book interest you, tune into this internet radio show


Khris Krepcik & 10 Tips to move beyond the Matrix

Khris Krepcik is well-versed in energetic carrier signals, fractals and downloads from the universe that are shifting human perception and existence. His ideas are presented on Youtube, and other media.  You may also be familiar with his workshops. Krepcik includes a fascinating appendix in Stuart Wilde's book, Grace, Gaia & the End of Days.

According to Krepcik and others, human beings exist in a mirror world matrix.  That is, vibrational energy patterns trap you in mindsets, emotions and situations until you expand, detach, gain clarity and transcend them.  Consider these 10 tips to gain new insight into the matrix;

1) Sense the slant of your thought & feeling energy.

2) Know you can break free from a holographic prison.

3) Chose to step beyond social mindset/ programming.

4) Be willing to detach from everything other than love.

5) Discipline the mind to align with free flow of nature.

6) Be flexible, versatile and discerning of energy shifts.  

7) Reconnect with your core light body energy being.

8) Accept everything is completely inter-connected.

9) Prepare to move sideways & turn life upside down.

10)  Sense you use telepathy with an intelligent universe. 


Stuart Wilde & 8 ideas to escape the matrix

To understand energy, emotional calm, zero vibration, nothingness, and pure consciousness, is to grasp the start of expansion.  Ask what you discover about yourself based on how you respond to what is happening outside of you.  People and situations always reveal what we need to learn about self.

Everyone evolves with their power of creation. They become more aware of inner power.   All human beings do not yet align with conscious awareness. Yet, more and more people are awakening to internal shifts. They are detaching from external conditioning and mental programming to realize something else exists other than current belief systems. Move beyond limiting beliefs and align with very different perspectives.

Stuart Wilde is an author and spiritual guide.  He invites every being to awaken, to empower themselves and learn to escape the mental prison which is often called the matrix. As people learn to watch what is happening inside and outside the self, they are in an informed position to decide whether they desire to leave the matrix.  What can you do if you choose to move beyond desires and attachments? Consider 8 ideas to help you escape the matrix of illusions;

1) Be tender, loving, compassionate & forgiving to everyone.

2) Act to expand perception & move beyond familiar senses.

3) Learn to see outside physical worlds & into other worlds.

4) Realize you can release thoughts & feelings you outgrow.

5) Listen to intuition for guidance & harness silent power.

6) Take responsibility for your own consciousness.

7) Sense shamanic writing/ practice as a window into soul.

8) Centre awareness on living now (not dying, past or future).


Move beyond the Matrix

Some people sense success is basically learning to accept whatever ideas arise in the mind, while recognizing you are a silent observer of what transpires.  Yet, what if the prospect of bending a spoon with the mind is an invitation to step back and recognize that everything is possible with a light heart?

Recall the character Neo in the film The Matrix.  As he begins to let go of doubt, limited view of his physical senses, he deconstructs his memories, and accepts all is possible.  Like Neo, we each become the vibrational equivalent of what we ask for in our world.  Its common to discover we didn't really want what our minds project. Though not everyone chooses to move beyond the Matrix.

How is it a human being can evolve to observe and experience directly without getting influenced by emotion,  and the ego desire to judge?  You may sense heat, pressure, tension and other perceptions, aren't necessarily controlled by your body or mind.  How does that shake your world?  You begin to sense motivation is not required to accept where you are and what you can do.

People are conditioned to focus on steps they think are required to succeed. Yet, who asks you to perform the tasks? Why do anything?  What drives you?  If suffering, fear and desire don't capture your full attention, then you come to observe and master the mind. To stop running backward and forward allows you to savor this moment. 

At a basic level, success is a kind of pure observation.  You needn't be directed or driven by thoughts.  You needn't grasp them intensely or shy away out of fear.  This mindfulness is not indifference. Yet, it means you move beyond ordinary attention.  You discover the nature and underlying motives of thoughts themselves. You unleash a child-like impulse to simply live and love for the joy of it.

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