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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in Neo (1)


Move beyond the Matrix

Some people sense success is basically learning to accept whatever ideas arise in the mind, while recognizing you are a silent observer of what transpires.  Yet, what if the prospect of bending a spoon with the mind is an invitation to step back and recognize that everything is possible with a light heart?

Recall the character Neo in the film The Matrix.  As he begins to let go of doubt, limited view of his physical senses, he deconstructs his memories, and accepts all is possible.  Like Neo, we each become the vibrational equivalent of what we ask for in our world.  Its common to discover we didn't really want what our minds project. Though not everyone chooses to move beyond the Matrix.

How is it a human being can evolve to observe and experience directly without getting influenced by emotion,  and the ego desire to judge?  You may sense heat, pressure, tension and other perceptions, aren't necessarily controlled by your body or mind.  How does that shake your world?  You begin to sense motivation is not required to accept where you are and what you can do.

People are conditioned to focus on steps they think are required to succeed. Yet, who asks you to perform the tasks? Why do anything?  What drives you?  If suffering, fear and desire don't capture your full attention, then you come to observe and master the mind. To stop running backward and forward allows you to savor this moment. 

At a basic level, success is a kind of pure observation.  You needn't be directed or driven by thoughts.  You needn't grasp them intensely or shy away out of fear.  This mindfulness is not indifference. Yet, it means you move beyond ordinary attention.  You discover the nature and underlying motives of thoughts themselves. You unleash a child-like impulse to simply live and love for the joy of it.