Shift from Belief to Awareness

Truth is, as our vibration increases, we start to achieve and experience harmony with the universe on many levels. Some remain unseen. For those we do see, this has nothing to do with random occurrences, "getting lucky" or stumbling on the right people or opportunities. The higher or more expansive our vibration, the more we consciously control our reality, align with what resonates in our Soul.
Many ways exist to sustain a higher vibration. In essence, its about creating body-mind coherence, so the body and mind work in perfect synchrony, like an orchestra with many instruments. To align with core vibration stabilizes us on a frequency much like each of us can tune into a preferred station on a radio dial.
Come what may, attitude and consistent practices are important. This is how we rewire the brain, create new connections and simultaneously raise our energy. All this has huge consequences in the external physical world. Of course, its one thing to read about a concept. Its quite another to put it into practice and manifest directly for ourselves in real time experience. This is the path of the alchemist, the Hero's journey. That is, an energetic shift occurs from belief in heresay to awareness of what is always here and allowing it to enter our field.