Be a conscious dreamer

Every moment, even while apparently awake, you are dreaming. While asleep, the daytime activity is no longer a distraction and you may be more alert than asleep. During daytime, the dreaming continues. You are conscious and aware or not. So you have selective awareness? Why is that? And what is to be done about it?
Consider celestial bodies you only see with physical eyes during night or daytime. These celestial bodies do not disappear when suppressed by sunlight or hidden by the darkness. They always exist. They echo conscious dreaming.
It all comes back to being aware of who you are. Have you ever met "you"? Are you aware? The seeker answers and the finder does not. What happens when there is no dreaming? Illusion is absorbed. The 'you' disappears and all that is left is pure space. If someone asks, say nothing. Dreaming is the film. You mirror the world.