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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in essence (8)


See the unseen

Some people set out to do what others describe as 'impossible.'  Notice whether what other people say about you encourages you to have more faith in and trust yourself or evokes fear and defensiveness.  Consider how your essence of being responds as you decide to focus on seeing the unseen, smelling the odorless and hearing silence.  Engage your imagination like never before and discover where you are.  When you impose no limits or parameters, the worlds you experience transport you beyond this.


Here you be

And so, here you be, discerning the vibration that has you convinced of a particular reality.  What stands out in the mind at this moment? How do you feel your way back to the essence of being beyond the stuff? Share a perspective of how you view things as they are.  Notice what you feel about detached observations.  Reflect on the influences that shape your sense of self.  You already transcend them. 


Witness expanding awareness

Many people do not know who they are because they spend so much time focused on what appears to be happening outside themselves.  Illusions are dissolving, even now.  You arrive at a moment where everything feels like it is shifting, and it is.

This very instant, you recall you are a vessel, filling up with light energy that acts like an eraser. Imagine your three-dimensional perception of a physical self is sketched in the air and suddenly grows transparent. The magical eraser floats around you and the outline of what you think you are. Before long, the external senses and dense you, just vanish.

What remains is your omnicient, spiritual essence. That which you temporarily forget. You exist to reconnect to authentic being without limitation. You transcend artificial boundaries imagined by the mind to obscure your natural, energetic being.  It is re-emerging, expanding, healing in emptiness.

You recall and experience spacelessness and timlessness.  A sense of what you are grows stronger. It fills you up and expands.  You witness expanding conscious and luminescent awareness in dimensions the physical you was unable to grasp. Some human beings intuit this is unfolding toward 2012. Other beings are attuned to what is already happening inside now.

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