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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (254)


10 Ways to access your answer

At this moment, you have unanswered questions that invite new attention. This is an opportunity for an exercise in raising consciousness. Follwo these simple steps to access your inner answer;

1) Know you have capacity to control your mind. 

2) Take the time to clear your head and meditate.

3) Ask the universe the question that comes to mind.

4) Picture the question in symbols and feel sensations.

5) Allow the answer to flow into the mind.

6) Do not doubt but process thoughts freely.

7) Transcribe whatever images, feelings emerge in you.

8) Trust significance is found where you choose.

9) Love and accept yourself and the whole process.

10) Be grateful for everything, everyone and energy.


5 Ways to strengthen self-worth

Human beings are conditioned to be dishonest with the self. This nurtures a misconception of being unworthy. Suddenly, you are caught between what you feel and what is taught you 'should' do. Unaware, you suppress the true self.  Intution tells you the truth. You decide to listen or ignore inner knowing.

From a young age, the body is suddenly viewed as an enemy, something to be mistrusted and subdued. Many people learn to deny themselves intuition, natural urges, choices that feel good or right. It grows desirable to control and unthinkable to surrender. How can everyone learn to strengthen self-worth?

1) Accept that self-esteem is a choice. Reasons explain why you feel as you feel at a given moment. You either reinforce what you know in your heart or, choose to obscure that as part of a process of learning lessons. No matter what the perceived rules in a given environment, you experiment with expressing desires. You define boundaries. You take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings or, you do not.

2) Learn you are completing unfinished business. Every moment, you are learning to love and accept yourself differently. The key issue is learning to love without guilt, to give and receive selflessly. As human beings choose to explore core feelings without judgment, they enrich awareness, relationships, self-mastery and connections with everything.

3) Be aware behavior patterns are energy cycles. Every thought and action transforms existing energy.  This is a perspective of consciousness where infinite circles are interconnected in a moving kaleidoscope of life forms and formless states. You never leave an energy cycle you do not complete. Residual energy from positive or negative thoughts stays with you to manifest situations.  How you view energy determines if you know vicious circles or reasons for joy.

4) Learn to love and explore yourself in peace. To accept and affirm your own sexuality, self-valuing and caring instincts, you create a foundation for additional layers of self-acceptance.  To recognize where you repress certain instincts or, why you feel uptight, helps you move through that.

5) Recognize thought energy is multi-dimensional. When you feel good about something and you listen to that, you think moreabout that. The resulting positive energy reverberrates in other areas of your life. You begin to sense blessings wherever you are, regardless of conditions. You begin to realize how you think affects your personal life, work, spiritual or religious perspectives, and other situations. You know everything and everyone are deeply interconnected.


Read the mind of the opposite sex

Every human being has repeated opportunities to read the minds of other people. You need not do this for a living. It comes in handy and can be almost necessary to anticipate or learn to think like someone else.  The question is, how often are you accurate in mind-reading and if not, why not?

Consider you plan to meet a partner or spouse in a particular location at an approximate time.  If it turns out that person is not there, you may choose to wait.  Some people wait forever. You may have a cell number. The person may or may not be available.  You may assume the worst, give up and leave.  Reflect on these ideas to read the mind of the opposite sex;

1) Intuition is a gauge. The loving part of you is a telepathic mind-reader and the fearful side is the doubter. You already know whether your impulse is to love and give another the benefit of the doubt or, distrust. You either listen to intuition or not. You choose to understand reasons behind it or not.

2) Emotions reflect your energy state. Each of your reactions to a person or circumstance offers clues to layers of your own emotional baggage. To clear a channel to receive insight about someone's thoughts, its necessary to be willing to learn to discern your feelings and transcend them.

3) Vibrations intersect. Learning to anticipate or explain your partner's behaviour offers insight into your vibrations in relation to that person's energy. As you exert effort to read someone else's vibes, you gain insight into self-acceptance based on how you read compatible or incompatible frequency.

4) As you forgive, you are also forgiven. People underestimate the significance of unconditional compassion. Whatever you think and feel about others, you simultaneously do to self. As you choose to understand another person's position, view a situation from their perspective, this deepens a soul connection and allows release of negative energy.

5) Remember your secret thoughts are known. The closer or more attuned you are to your own thoughts and reasons behind impulses and actions, the easier it is to recognize the motivations. To work through anger, fear and frustration, permits a person to sense and grasp energy vibrations beyond that. Forces beyond already know everything is transparent. Not all humans have reached this state of conscious awareness. Everyone works to remember expeirences of being, knowing, sensing and healing on infinite levels.



Sandra Rogers & 11 points on anger & hate

In a book called, Lessons from the Light, Sandra Rogers shares insights about her physical life as well as how near death experiences (NDE) transformed her from the inside out.

Regardless of whether you have a view about NDEs, to keep an open mind serves you.  Real life experience teaches you negative energy obscures and separates you from positive energy.  Everyone has choices to think, feel and recharge.  Ponder what you gain from these 11 points on anger and hate;

1) Anger is love's energy misused.

2) When we hate others, we hate ourselves. They are two sides of the same coin.

3) An act of hostility, like a ripple on a pond, radiates out from the giver until eternity.

4) Holding a grudge produces negative energy.  It not only hurts the one you hold a grudge against, it also hurts you and others.

5) As long as you are a child of rage, you will not find the power to know your potential as a child of God.

6) When you feel tempted by the emotion of anger-retreat.  Anger is not the opposite of love, indifference is.  Anger is the expression of free will, often manifest as a result of feeling controlled and feeling the need to assert our willpower over others.

7) In focusing on sex, do so in Love, never in anger.  Sex is a gift from God to be given as an expression of Love.  Some choose to use sex selfishly, in anger as a weapon, believing it is giving them power and control.

8) When you see someone full of hatred or anger, treat them with love so that you can be an example they may later reflect.

9) Bigotry is self-hate.

10) Vengeance brings only trouble.

11) When you teach fear, you create hatred and anger.

In essence, the most profound revelation you can have is that everything is pointing to the love you either allow yourself to see or resist and selectively overlook.  Awaken to see.

"Hatred is a disguised form of love. You can only hate someone whom you really wish to love, because if you were totally indifferent to that person, you could not even get up enough energy to hate him."  - Sri Chinmoy


7 Things to learn from other people's challenges

Human beings have a tendency to get wrapped up in other people's situations. You may do this for different reasons. It may relate to a lack of mental discipline, pure curiosity, your nature as a energy giver, or any variety of other reasons. You may or may not dream of being in someone else's situation.  Consider 7 things to learn from other people's challenges;

1) You always do enough. When you know someone who is not well, or who is facing other challenges, it is tempting to fall into the trap of feeling you could always be doing more to help than you already are. This is a test for you to learn about overcoming helplessness.

2) Love & support are always valuable. Regardless of how someone around you is reacting to their own circumstances, your presence, thoughts and actions can provide different forms of support and encouragement. Whether or not acknowledged, positive energy is doing good and contributing to an invisible healing process. Sending kind thoughts also has a beneficial effect.

3) Your judgment can be transformed. Part of you may wonder  or whysomeone continues to behave in ways that are self-destructive or otherwise, perpetuates their problems. Such external observation reveals your own inner judge.  This reveals how you absorb negative energy and distract attention away from yourself. The inner judge is a self-created illusion. You can shift focus and use this energy to learn more about yourself.

4) Awareness is relative. Human beings have different levels of self-awareness. What you sense about someone else is not necessarily what they see or understand. Perception is shaped by experience. It often seems easier to notice faults in others or their difficulties than to acknowledge your reactions reveal useful messages about yourself.

5) Saving someone is not your job. It is common for altruistic human beings to desire to save someone from further misery, distress or suffering. At the same time, as someone repeatedly talks of problems without being willing to explore why they exist, this signals the person is not ready to consciously recognize the real issues or take responsibility for them.

6) Co-dependence offers a learning curve. Co-dependence is the idea that your behaviour enables someone to continue living in self-denial about destructive thoughts and behaviour. You cannot change a person, but you can change how you react to them. If you sense someone is doing something that is not good for them, you have choices as to whether or not you turn a blind eye, whether you help them feed a habit or refuse to take responsibility.

7) Nothing you assume as important actually is. Human beings get preoccupied with situations that evoke emotions. The situations themselves are irrelevant. Every person creates situations they need in order to step outside their comfort zone. You exist to teach yourself you are not meant to control everything or always get your way. Life is not meant to be constantly predictable, explained or understood. You are learning more about energy flow, attuning to love and the essence of surrender.