Read the mind of the opposite sex

Every human being has repeated opportunities to read the minds of other people. You need not do this for a living. It comes in handy and can be almost necessary to anticipate or learn to think like someone else. The question is, how often are you accurate in mind-reading and if not, why not?
Consider you plan to meet a partner or spouse in a particular location at an approximate time. If it turns out that person is not there, you may choose to wait. Some people wait forever. You may have a cell number. The person may or may not be available. You may assume the worst, give up and leave. Reflect on these ideas to read the mind of the opposite sex;
1) Intuition is a gauge. The loving part of you is a telepathic mind-reader and the fearful side is the doubter. You already know whether your impulse is to love and give another the benefit of the doubt or, distrust. You either listen to intuition or not. You choose to understand reasons behind it or not.
2) Emotions reflect your energy state. Each of your reactions to a person or circumstance offers clues to layers of your own emotional baggage. To clear a channel to receive insight about someone's thoughts, its necessary to be willing to learn to discern your feelings and transcend them.
3) Vibrations intersect. Learning to anticipate or explain your partner's behaviour offers insight into your vibrations in relation to that person's energy. As you exert effort to read someone else's vibes, you gain insight into self-acceptance based on how you read compatible or incompatible frequency.
4) As you forgive, you are also forgiven. People underestimate the significance of unconditional compassion. Whatever you think and feel about others, you simultaneously do to self. As you choose to understand another person's position, view a situation from their perspective, this deepens a soul connection and allows release of negative energy.
5) Remember your secret thoughts are known. The closer or more attuned you are to your own thoughts and reasons behind impulses and actions, the easier it is to recognize the motivations. To work through anger, fear and frustration, permits a person to sense and grasp energy vibrations beyond that. Forces beyond already know everything is transparent. Not all humans have reached this state of conscious awareness. Everyone works to remember expeirences of being, knowing, sensing and healing on infinite levels.

Reader Comments (9)
I am getting closer to the great light I suppose, thanks to your wisdom. And closer to the vibratons I desire.
I always say to my husband, I want us to continue to grow and evolve and keep remembering our divine gifts at least until we are able to telepathically communicate ;)
Sometimes it is amazing what already comes through our intuition. I notice it of course more and more in moments of stillness, after all that is when we are more connected to our higher selves.
As we do, others do to us.
I'm enjoying your site --- so glad we connected via the blogosphere! (It's such a marvelous energy field, isn't it?!)