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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in emotion (51)


Look at self through new eyes

To view yourself as an eternal being helps you view and understand the physical self through new eyes. Every moment, you continue to be that which you are. You choose to be born into a physical body to experience resistance, states of thought and emotion. Why begin the quest to connect with things beyond self, be it God or source? The spirit knows. Until you stop fearing death, you do not allow yourself to live. As you stop not wanting death, you realize what this transition truly is, and the process you feel now. Know that nothing is wrong with where you are or how you feel. You arrive knowing what is happening.


How do you respond to ridicule?

Ridicule affects people differently.  Some people react to ridicule with intense emotion and/or use words.  Ryokan offers another example.  He is a Zen Buddhist monk who lived much of his life as a hermit. He responds to ridicule by bowing deeply in silence.  He does not seek to explain or justify himself.  

What if you allow energy to flow and respond to everything and everyone with kindness? Take a moment.  Notice what you feel is happening.  Wisdom is not acquired, but reveals itself inside as one lives fully. 


Translate internal messages

It is up to you whether you choose to open up and expand awareness. Those who do begin to sense layers of soul communication within through impulse, synchronicity and emotion.  Thoughts, feelings and beliefs are constantly emitted into your energy field and increasing self-awareness sharpens your discernment of what matters.  What are you noticing? How do you consider new ways of translating internal messages?


Rediscover inner treasures

Notice how often you dream of where you are in the present moment, and which thoughts and feelings capture your attention. Notice also when you dream of where you perceive you are not, doing what you hope would like to avoid. How do each of these experiences resonate? Why does each one serve you?

Many people take steps to resist or subdue what enters the mind. Tension arises as one exerts control. Other people make peace and allow whatever comes to flow rather than fight. They notice the mind releases itself from temporary emotional reactions. Which living experience uncovers inner treasure?


Detach from the doer

Training the mind to settle down requires patience and diligence. During this process, you may find that inner contentment is unstable. Why is that? Could it be that the doer within is still wanting something?

In many cases, the mind interferes.  It exists to control.  And yet, the watcher within knows mind can relinquish all control and even disappear. There is no need to question or do anything. Allow the mind to do what it pleases. Remember how it feels not to respond.  Simply notice emotions. To be fully aware of the dream is to accept all control is beyond reach, to watch fear dissolve and surrender to what remains. Degrees of transformation unfold in living experience.  One emerges in a state of heightened awareness.