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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Look at self through new eyes

To view yourself as an eternal being helps you view and understand the physical self through new eyes. Every moment, you continue to be that which you are. You choose to be born into a physical body to experience resistance, states of thought and emotion. Why begin the quest to connect with things beyond self, be it God or source? The spirit knows. Until you stop fearing death, you do not allow yourself to live. As you stop not wanting death, you realize what this transition truly is, and the process you feel now. Know that nothing is wrong with where you are or how you feel. You arrive knowing what is happening.

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Reader Comments (5)

I once looked at death to see into the fear of this within myself

I realized my fear was not really in death, because even if there is a finality, what in the finality did I have to fear, I would know nothing else

the fear I saw was in how I felt after a death, especailly of ones who were close, the emotions that came, the missingness, and I just always think when I leave, if I am thought of after and there is deep sadness or missingness, then I would not want to be the cause of this

when I knew my mother was dying I asked her once if she believed there was re-incarnation, and she said yes, sometimes I wonder if she did so, so that I would find comfort in this when thoughts of her came, and I have, in all things around that remind me of her and it is in this type of comfort I would as well wish to leave, this is what I feel my spirit knows

the quest then seems to be to see what really is finality, it feels to be a state, and one we might choose as well?

a ps. :)

I asked my father this once as well, a few years ago, do you believe that we return in other forms of life?, he asked me, why would I want to? it just made me smile :)
October 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertumel
tumel, consider how your thoughts are flawed. So long as you "believe" something, or believe things to be bad or wrong, you doubt your infinite capacity to expand. Reality is not what mind believes, its what soul knows in every situation. It is solid and secure based on love. As you understand what other emotions are telling you, what physical senses do not register, you feel the thrill of aligning with the real you. Any dischord you feel or fear you perceive is always a deviation from what soul knows. Experience is not linear. Cyclical or never-ending motion reveals finality only exists only in mind.
October 15, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I imagine thoughts as like diamonds/crystals now :)
October 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertumel
tumel, recall Michaelangelo who says, "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." Everyone is that timeless sculptor on the process of setting his own soul free.
October 16, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. interesting way of putting ourselves .. but so helpful – as I learn to explore the world beyond the physical body. This transition will happen .. and is happening .. Thank you - Hilary

PS .. I love the Michaelangelo quote .. and that vision of freedom ..
October 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary

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