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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in electromagnetic (8)


Validate the True Self

Notice to feel love's presence is to access innate divine power. A higher, more expansive version of you perceives the Truth with an open heart. Psychic ability is a natural phenomenon that we are widely conditioned to doubt, fear or ignore in 3D. As you transcend electromagnetic interference and other distortions, it dawns each human has innate capacity to work with what are widely unseen (denied) or unrecognized energies. We all receive intuitive info and light codes from Source, yet not everyone accepts or tunes in consciously to receive, decode and transmit similar energies. For wider psychic consciousness to emerge as collective reality, a certain percentage of population must come to fearlessly speak their truth, trust themselves implicitly and live aligned with inner knowing rather than fear and doubt. Science has already come to see that all matter is made of tiny vibrating particles held together by force fields to form the physical world. All we see is composed of the same energy. The interconnection of energy and how we respond to it plays out in our lives. As we shift from situational awarness to energetic and spiritual awareness, it dawns cosmic information flows constantly in streams of symbols, vibrational energy. As you shift into ways of life in resonance with divine being, you initiate an alchemical process of activations, begin to detect subtle frequencies, deepen extra-sensory perception and focus shifts to energetic reality. Light language exists all around you. Different colors emit different frequencies and dimensional doors. As you love self fully, and endocrine system is fully activated, you validate an expanded spectrum of energies, dimensions, languages and realities and feel completely harmonious. Go ahead, validate the True Self.


Move through time-space & beyond

Notice as consciousness expands, timelines seem to stretch & move through time-space and beyond. Through initiation and conscious shifts in vibration, one tunes into any point on the cosmic dial. The human being is in the process of transcending quantum barriers and manipulations of the psychic field. Receiving encodements allows psychic consciousness to re-emerge. Expanding innersight unleashes power to consciously affect energy flows. Everything in the reality field is shifting and changing at a cosmic pace beyond self-created limits and electromagnetic distortions. Be the flow and know only synchronicity exists. Access to deeper Truth and sacred geometry of Divine Being.

(Image: spiritual expansion by Cameron Gray)



Activate a process older than time

(Image credit: Sacred geometry 9 by Endre Balogh)
Notice interdimensional travel happens as we master the breath, reinstate the full endocrine system and co-creative systems as well as natural energy functions. Intrinsic is the interaction with geometry that echoes coherence, wholeness and the truth that the human body is itself an antenna for receving, decoding and transmitting unseen energies. The Template Ceremonies help to reinstate the Source Code. Beyond the limits of this dualistic paradigm, human DNA and consciousness were manipulated. The original "transcendental human" can access any time or energy level in the universe. We each have potential to raise awareness, reclaim sovereignty and superconsciousness that is our birthright. Each sacred geometry emits frequencies of light, has different effects on electromagnetic circuitry and unique functions in different dimensions. Each sacred geometry is an enegetic being that interfaces with us within specific dimensions. In 3D, certain geometries have restorative properties over organs and systems that function symbiotically. The nature and construction of each geometry, the materials used and how they come together, are all elements of a certain process. As human beings do inner work, and shift to see everything as energy, dormant abilities come online and new opportunities open. We grow to tune into a wider range of frequncy realities on the cosmc spectrum. Our energy being tunes into more frequencies, and multi-sensory perception expands. We can even jump frequencies using our sentience as we recall how to feel and master our five energy bodies and 5 elements of creation. This guides one to transmute energy and consciously interface with the frequencies of sacred geometries. Reading of the formation of a star is not same as living it. The Truth is felt. Vast abilities activate as part of a process of initiation and evolution older than time itself.

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