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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in doubt (10)


All is well already

The mind invites you to define things on your terms, based on degrees of self understanding. Beyond this, something constantly flows and expresses itself in ways that resonate deeply.

Unspoken intentions are known beyond the physical. Awareness opens based on levels of conscious self-acceptance. Until then, you hear what you are willing to hear and block out the rest. The physical body expresses core well-being. Yet, what you allow yourself to see and experience reflects the level of alignment or mis-alignment of the mind and spirit with love.

Notice emotions that capture your attention. Are you focused on love or degrees of hope, doubt, fear and resistance?  Unconditional love is silent and ever-present.   Being here in the body you know as you is an exercise in awakening to your beliefs and habits.  Its about self-recognition. The more you are open and receptive to love, the more you experience well-being. You align with who you are or pinch yourself off for the fun of it.  Come what may, know all is well already.

So, the next time you feel a nudge from within, pay attention. Allow it to be second nature to be kind and compassionate to yourself and others.   Imagine how life unfolds as you know this.  Realize you left that temporarily to stretch and expand through experiencing contrast.  It feels great to recall nothing fazes the essence of being.  The unreal is a figment of imagination.


Its always just right

As you reflect on who you are, as you remember yourself, you begin to realize your sense of physical characteristics distract you from the expanding, expressing energy that is you. Consider the real you is always invigorated, balanced and excited about asking questions because you know the universe answers.

In the physical body, notice how often you identify things to worry about and resist. Notice what motivates you to forget the security, eagerness and knowing of the larger consciousness.  Notice why you selectively turn away from the renewing feelings and positive vibration of adventure. Notice how talking about what is not going a certain way prolongs apparent reasons for discomfort. Notice what prompts you to see things more objectively. Consider the non-physical stream or bigger you is of unwavering well-being. Ask yourself why you shift away from things that feel good and what triggers awakening and shifting focus.

In essence, you are a perfect vibrational match to each experience.   An evolution is guided by the non-physical you.  Imagine how it feels to pulsate as pure positive energy that offers no resistance.  The more you allow, the more you expand and the more you remember.  Although the mind is conditioned to doubt and fear as you express self in a physical body, the larger you knows everything is always just right as it is.


Know you can deal with anything

Each person has the capacity deep within to sense and deal with anything.  Even now, you are in the process of expanding, of reminding your conscious self that beneath fear, jealousy and doubt, you know only joy. When do you recall feeling completely calm and tranquil? Experience this agin, as if for the first time.  As waves of turmoil arise in the external world, they no longer affect you anymore.


How to make anything happen

Many people ask themselves what is the process to make things happen. As you gain insight into the co-creator within and the limitless being you are, then you realize its as simple as genuinely acting as if is already is.  Eliminate doubt.  Step outside the mind.  Feel something ineffable and unspeakable. Consider also the possibility that nobody makes anything happen and that everything unfolds as it is. Remember, the truth is not presented, offered or given. It is revealed and felt inside as you Transform your life.


What is it about shape-shifting?

People email me about shape-shifting.  They ask to what degree it is possible, how its done and who does it. 

Energetic interactions occur every moment.  As you shift levels of awareness, you sense you are an energy being, begin to attune to vibration, and know all you do affects everything you perceive and experience.

Your sense of what is possible arises based on how you are conditioned to think.  When something suppresses knowledge of the limitless, loving consciousness you are, then you create mental boundaries of what you are willing to believe. To query whether something is possible reveals doubt that you are all that is, all possibilities now.

Most people filter realities based on beliefs. If you are completely honest, when you come into experience, you permit it to flow and celebrate revelations.  The moment you discard misunderstanding, you grow more conscious of who you are. This is about removing what prevents you from being. What you see in the mirror is not the real you. Move points of observation from limitation to infinite consciousness,  Fear and words lose meaning. 

Some people wonder if its possible to abandon the physical body shell and be a body of light. At any given moment, everything is possible. As an energy being moves into increasingly awakened, harmonious and balanced consciousness, then he operates on  different levels than individuals who operate at points of observation that include disharmony, imbalance and fear. One's state of being externalizes energy.  You feed off the energy you generate from emotional states.  The love energy of the heart has a particular, uplifting vibrational state.

Many people are convinced you cannot shift between solid bodies.  In truth, you are not a solid entity. The body is a projected hologram.  As you remember how to sense further than visible and conditioned spectrums of light, you recognize perception is all about vibrational frequency. Energy beings vibrate at different energy frequencies.  One view of shape-shifting is that it only takes place in the energy-decoding processing centre of the brain. 

Individuals with an extending range of perception connect more alert to consciousness.  An increasing number of people are connected to the physical reality but are awakening to energy beyond.  Its much easier to align with something, that is, to extend your sense of what is possible, as you vibrate at a similar frequency.  Take responsibility for making it happen and your vibrational frequency changes.  You connect with those states you are in vibrational harmony with or or merge into what you think and feel. You are in control of your own energy.

In your decoded reality, everything is experienced as holograms in the physical world.  Shapeshifting unfolds in the mind.  You are conditioned to perceive through a limited frequency range.  Beyond this visible light spectrum, exist entities that not everyone yet chooses or remembers to see. So much connects as part of Cosmic Synchronicity.

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